Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A musical weekend!

This past weekend Søren and I we're really in our music element.

Friday night we went to see a Danish artist, Tim Christensen, give a concert. I had bought tickets for Søren for his birthday back in December and finally the concert day arrived. Before the concert, we had a nice meal at a cute little restaurant. It was like a real date! Then the concert was at 8.00 and we were ready. The opening band (or one man) was very talented and we enjoyed a little more quiet set. Then Tim came on stage and played many many songs, from a long time ago to more recent. Søren has been a fan of him for a long time, where I have more recently become a fan since moving to Denmark, but his music is just great, lots of "weird" chords, melodies, etc. It was a fabulous concert and we danced, clapped and smiled the whole time.
An internet picture of the concert because we couldn't have our camera in there, in reality we we're standing way up front in the second row!!!

Then on Saturday we went to a concert type Praise and Worship event about 1½ hours north from where we live. It is a big event where many people from all over Denmark meet to say hi to each other and to sing and praise! We were especially excited because the other 3 former Watermarkers that now live in Denmark were coming too! We met them there and had a fun time. Its so great to be aroud other Americans once in awhile, but also because they are good friends who we spent a whole year with and that we know each other so well.

Josh, Jim, Me, Søren, Jenny

So it was an eventful and fun weekend where we even had time for relaxing too! Now I am off to Poland for a week leaving Søren behind. But he has big plans to golf and visit friends and family. It will be the longest we haven't seen each other since we got married, it'll be hard but I think we will make it! :) :)

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