Saturday, April 25, 2009

Poland and such...

Well we have been a little lazy with the blog writing lately, and that can only mean that we are really busy, and if we are really busy that means that we must have a lot to write about... Well here is a short summary of the past month.

The beginning of April started for me with a trip to Poland with the 10th graders. We were gone for an entire week and spent time seeing many different things in Poland. We learned a lot about Polands history and that was very exciting. We spent most of our time in Krakow which is a nice city. They have a lot of churches and cool old buildings and in general the city looks really old. It was interesting to be in an area of Eastern Europe as you can easily see the difference from the Westernized Europe, but that only made it more exciting after hearing about the history.

All the students in Krakow
A pillow fight in the town square in Krakow

Some other highlights of the trip were:

Stopping in Berlin on the way to Poland and seeing remains of the Berlin Wall and where it once stood.

Eating Polish food at different restaurants. They really like their soup!

Going into Nowa Huta a suburb on the eastern side of Krakow where they have areas that have been preserved from when the communists created the town to promote their communistic ideas. And also driving in the old Trabant cars.

Visiting Auschwitz Concentration Camp. It was an intense day but very eye opening and definately very interesting.
The entrance
Some of the barracks.
The wooden bunk beds where there slept 5-10 on each level.

Visiting a school in a small mountain village, Koniakow, where we talked with the students and learned about their culture.
A nice hike in the Mountains.

Folk dancing at the school.

All in all it was a wonderful trip and I feel very lucky that I get paid to "travel"!

After the trip Søren and I had a wonderful and relaxing Easter where we spent the weekend at his mothers house with Ulla + Peter and the boys. The weather was beautiful so we spent time outside, had an easter egg hunt and played a lot of Nintendo Wii!

Right after Easter Søren and I had our busy bee hats on again because the current "Watermark" team was visiting us in our area of Denmark. Because of special circumstances we were asked to be the contacts for them the week they were in our area and arrange their schedule. So that week was very intense going from concert to concert, helping set-up and tear down, being out late and well speaking a lot of English. It was all in all a great week but very tiring, it was almost like we were on team again, but at the end of the day we were happy to come home and sleep in the same bed night after night.

Then that leaves this past week. Again we have been busy, work and school during the day, and fun and friends many nights. But the big thing this past week was just yesterday, Friday. Every year around this time there is a big event at school where the new students for next year come to the school and hear about what to expect, meet eachother and see the school. It is a very exciting night for us and them. But this year it was even more exciting because Søren and I have just been asked to have a much larger role in the music program for next year and been given the challenge to build the program. We are very excited about this, but it also means that the students have to have interest in some of the new music classes we are going to offer and to choose to be involved in music. At this special "Info" night the new students choose which classes they are going to have next year so we made a promotion video and hoped that new students would choose lots of music. And.... well they did, there were over 43 students out of 112 who chose to have individual music lessons, which is a good sign that there are many students interested in music! So now Søren and I are just excited to see what happens and how this whole "project" will turn out!!

So that is life as we know it, we are doing well, enjoying the beautiful weather and grilled out for the first time on our patio tonight, it was fantastic!!! More sooner than later!

Oh and yeah... Søren just bought some "new" old golf clubs and got to try them out this past week!

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