Thursday, August 6, 2009


Søren and I have just returned to Denmark after a fabulous vacation in Minnesota! We had such a wonderful time and we're really able to relax and enjoy time off from work and school! It was all just exactly what we needed so thanks to all of you who made our time there so fantastic and memorable.

Here is just a little bit of what we we're up to in the USA!

Our flight over there was wonderful, no problems no delays and we felt pretty good when we arrived in Minneapolis. We were greeted by my Mom and instantly it felt like we had never been gone. We had decided to rent the guest apartment at my Grandma's apt. complex so we went there and crashed after a few hours.
Our "home" for the month!

We spent the first few days visiting family and friends, relaxing and just enjoying the beautiful weather and being in MN again! The 4th of July was a special day for us. I took Søren to the Delano parade where he got to witness true American Pride! It was a beautiful day and we spent it hanging with my highschool friends Andrea and Jason at their softball tournament. Afterwards we had a camp fire and watched fireworks!

A traditional Red White and Blue Parade Float
A Parade is not complete without a marching band!

Then Søren, my brother Johnny and I went up north to the Boundary Waters with my Dad for a few days. We stayed in a cabin just outside of the Boundary Waters so we took small day trips onto different lakes, portaging and fishing. One day just Søren and I went on a long hike and had a wonderful time. It was a bit hot and the trail wasn't exactly easy to see at all times but we made our way out and back so we were happy. All in all it was a great trip!
Søren carrying the canoe!
A beautiful lookout on our hike!

Our next big adventure was going to the Sonshine Music Festival in Wilmar. It was a 3½ day festival with over 100 Christian Rock bands playing some of our favorite music. We met up with two Danish buddies we knew from Frøstruphave and had a fun time with them as well. Some highlights included concerts with Skillet, Sanctus Real, Hawk Nelson and Newsboys! The weather was a bit cold and windy but we enjoyed our time in sweatshirts and jeans and were mostly okay.
Tenting area enjoying lunch!
Hanging out between concerts!
A good view of the over 20,000 Sonshiners!

We drove back to our apartment we had rented late the 18th so that we could wake up on our anniversary the 19th in a bed and not on the floor! We had a wonderful 1st anniversary. We we're able to have some of our frozen wedding cake, were treated to a wonderful meal at a famous steak restaurant and went to a drive-in movie to top off the day. The day was glorious and we can't believe we've been married a year already!

Mmm year old cake :)

At Murrays after the best steak ever!

Looking out from our car at the drive-in!

Over the next few days we took a boat ride on the lake with my Uncle Mike and cousins, visited friends and had a little family get together! In between we did a little shopping and more visiting with friends and family!

Then suddenly it was already our last week :( But the fun wasn't over yet. It was time for a mini-vacation from our vacation! Søren and I went up to Brainerd with my Mom! My Grandma used to have a cabin up there so we had to give Søren a little tour of where we spent many summer vacations years ago! It was a little weird to see it all again because so much had changed but we had fun playing Pirates Cove Mini-Golf, shopping in Nisswa and golfing at Crosswoods in Cross Lake.

The last days were spent again visiting friends, packing and picking up the last things on our "needs-list". It was quite hard to say goodbye to everyone in the US and to MN in general but that just means we enjoyed ourselves so much. We had a great flight back and are feeling back to normal again after a bit of jet-lag.

This week has been devoted to getting ready for school again (starts on Monday!) and enjoying the last moments of relaxation before the crazy week that is the first week of school! Ugh...isn't there a famous saying "I need a vacation from my vacation"? Well it is true in our case but we are relaxed and renewed to start our "real lives" again, I think! :)

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