The last month has been consumed by getting back into the swing of things. School started for me already August 10th with teacher meetings and a real busy 3 days filled with new students! We have a special thing at school where each teacher is assigned 6-10 students who are their contact students. We call it our "family" and these first 3 days are pretty much used for getting to be with our "families" and helping them to feel comfortable at the school. Also that week Søren and I had auditions for the bands and choirs at school! We had a fabulous turnout and are very excited about the amazing musical talent we have at the school this year.
Søren has also gotten back into the swing of things with school. He switched schools this year so that he doesn't have to drive an hour each way but instead a mere ½ hour! So he is liking that, I believe to quote him he has said "Whoah I should only be halfway and I'm here!" He is studying social studies this year and he is glad to have a subject that he is really excited about! Otherwise we have gotten back into the swing of things at church as well. We had a church barbeque and have played for service a couple times. We love having such a great fellowship and church to call home!
Also not long after we got back from the US we were able to celebrate Nikolaj's 1st birthday. It was a fun day and Nikolaj seemed to enjoy it and all his presents!
Just 2 weekends ago we had a big Watermark reunion! As some of you know, there are currently 5 of us from our Watermark band who now live in Denmark! We are quite spread throughout the country but luckily Denmark is only a 1/5 the size of MN so we can quite easily see each other. We had a great time catching up, speaking English and reminiscing. There is now one baby in the clan with another one due in October so that is exciting and fun!
Other than that I have celebrated a birthday this past month! I turned 26 and had a wonderful day. I had to work but only for 4 hours so I am not complaining too much! The girls from my "family" sung Happy Birthday to me in English and had made a USA flag for me to have. Also the whole school sang to me and all day I heard "Tillykke, Tillykke" (Congrats, Congrats)! Later that evening Søren took me to dinner and to a hockey game afterwards. We had a great night together and I received many wonderful gifts.

But yeah, we are doing great! Currently the stress level is quite low and we are finding lots of time to spend together. Last week we had a fun evening online drafting for our NFL fantasy football team. We have been a part of it for the last 2 years with some of our crazy American Football danish fans. We sat and ate nachos in our Vikings pants and jerseys and chatted with our other friends in our league, a different kind of husband and wife bonding!

Enthralled in our own computers!
This week I am going on a class trip to Copenhagen with the 10th graders! I am looking forward to it as it is a fun and alternative way to be at work! Søren is home alone but I think he'll find some fun sports to watch or something!
Hope all is well with you our readers!
PS: Here is a little picture of our friends little girl in her new Vikings jersey we gave her!! (Her daddy is a football fan so they needed to know who to cheer for!

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