Sunday, September 20, 2009

Football golf and more...

Søren and I have had the opportunity to play football golf twice in the last 2 weeks. What is football golf you may ask!? Well I guess it would be better translated as soccer golf because it is basically just as it sounds, golf with a soccer ball! It is quite similar to regular golf or frisbee golf except that you kick the soccer ball towards the flag and hole instead. Of course the hole is quite a bit bigger but the concept is the same! Anyway, we had a family outing with us, Søren's sister's family and his Mom last weekend and that was one of the activities we participated in. It was fun to try to kick the soccer ball around, and a little frustrating at times. (I know personally that I got a little bit too frustrated at one point!) But it was all in all a fun day and Søren was the winner!!! We ended the day going to the ocean having an ice-cream cone, shopping and eating at a pizzaria afterwards!! A great Sunday!

Going for par!

Then again this past weekend we were able to try our luck on the soccer-golf course again! We have a tradition with our friends Jette and Carl Andersen that we every now and again challenge each other to a competition! Back in January we played a mini-tournament with floor hockey, badminton and ping-pong and family Andersen won. However this time it was soccer-golf that we were competing in and guess what???? Family Madsen won!!! As I write we have the trophy (which is really just a shiny candle holder) sitting in front of us, lit up to celebrate the victory earlier today!!

There are sand bunkers here too!

Now OUR trophy, notice our matching outfits!! I'm sure that's why we won!!

So yeah that's the fun we've been up to! I was also recently in Copenhagen with the 10th graders. It was a fun 3 days but I was definitely tired when I got back home! The highlight of the trip for me was going the see a Theater-Concert with songs by The Beatles! They had incredible musicians and some really cool effects and stunts. I was "wowed" as were the students!!

Otherwise Søren and I have been enjoying our time playing around in our music room at home! We bought a handheld music recorder when we were in the states and have had a lot of fun playing around with it. With the recorder and a computer we can make our little family of 2 into a full rock band. We just switch off playing intruments and recording them into the computer and when we are done we just mix them together and we have a whole song! We've spent quite a bit of free time doing that, its fun to have a hobby together!!

Singing the vocal track!

1 comment:

tapps said...

so when's the cd coming out?

btw. have you heard about the rock band network? where you can write, record and program your own songs for rock band.. then sell them on the store? i just thought you two would be perfect at that :)