Friday, February 26, 2010

January + February

January and February have been very great months with lots of activities and snow! We still have snow on the ground here in Denmark which is very rare here, so I am loving it, but Søren can't wait for it to melt. I must admit a little warmer weather could be nice!

Otherwise we have had some projects going on lately. The first project was in January where I was in another show with the Show Choir I am in. This time the show was a Danish play with many different Danish songs in it as well. I must admit I prefer the broadway genre but it was fun to learn some old Danish songs and to spend time with all the fun people involved! The story was about the lives of people who came every year to the same resort. I played an entertainment singer who drew the attention of men. I had 2 solo songs and otherwise sang along from behind stage or as a chorus singer.

Singing a goodnight song to the guests!

The next project was our school musical. We have a week with the students to put on a huge musical with sets and costumes and music. It is a choatic time but also very fun! As the two music teachers at the school we were very busy up to the musical week writing songs and writing choir voices. We found it fun to work on the project together and help each other. The most fun though was opening night seeing the whole thing come together. Søren was in charge of the band and I was in charge of the soloists and choir. The band was incredibly talented and when it came together with the choir we were very happy. We both conducted our group energetically side by side and enjoyed the result. The musical this year was based of the first book of the C.S. Lewis Narnia series and was about how Narnia was created and the fight between good and evil. It was fun to see the students portray these events and dress up as animals!
Søren and I conducting side by side

Narnia in full color!

After the musical we had a week long winter vacation, and it was definitely needed! We didn't do too much, just drove around Jutland visiting friends and family. It was nice to be able to relax and see people we don't get to see very often. One of the hightlights of the vacation was going to Herning to see a show called "Musical Starlights" It was my Christmas present from Søren and we made a date out of it, it was fun to hear many musical classics! We also celebrated Valentines day this year by going to the movie "Valentines Day" which came out just a few days before. Yeah it is a little cheasy but we had fun! The last weekend of our vacation we went up to visit Søren's sister Ulla and her family! We had a whole day of playing games, from board games to Wii fit and Rock Band. It was a lot of fun and we also were able to play outside in the snow with the boys!

Now we are back at school and work. Søren finished his 7 week long student teaching for this year in January where he was at a different boarding school. He enjoyed his time there very much and is looking forward to graduating next summer! I am back at work with just one week left of normal classes before we are going on a week long ski trip to Norway! I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful landscape and spending time with collegues. At work I have also been asked to be a substitute for one of our teachers who has been sick for awhile. I am teaching her English class! It has been fun teaching English again!

We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend with very few plans!

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