Silas is really becoming a big boy! Two nights ago he was quite fussy and crying a lot at bedtime. Søren kept walking around with him with not much luck. Then he decided to put him in his crib to look at his mobile just to see if that would calm him down. Not more than 5 minutes later, Søren came back into the living room carrying the basket Silas usually sleeps in. All of a sudden he quickly dumped the basket upside down and I gasped, assuming Silas was in his basket. But no, Silas had fallen asleep in his own crib!! Since then we have put him to sleep there with lots of success! It’s been fun deciding what his night time routine should be. So far it has been a song and prayer, a quick kiss and out the door. He is such a good sleeper! (knock, knock)
Good morning Silas |
After this success we decided that he should try his other big bed! This is his baby carriage, where he up until now has slept in inside his basket. We have a special sleeping bag that he can get wrapped in when he is in the big carriage, so we decided to try that out too. He has also slept very well the last 2 days here, and I think he likes being all cuddled up inside.
I can still see you! |
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