11) Eats much quicker! A feeding typically lasts about 20 minutes now!Silas is now 3 months old! It seems like this past month has flown by, but as I reflect on all the changes in Silas I realize that maybe it has been a whole month since the last time I wrote about him!
In general Silas is still a very happy and quite easy baby. It is incredibly easy to put him to bed at night, as long as it is after 10 o’clock and then he sleeps until 6 or 7. He smiles a lot and likes to play! It’s fun to watch him grow and develop.
Here is a typical day for Silas at 3 months.
6 or 7 am: Wake up and groggily eat in bed with Mom. Afterwards fall back to sleep.
9 am: Wake up smiling and talking to myself. Ready for a new day.
10am: Morning snack with Mom.
11:30am: Time for another nap
1:30pm: Wake up hungry after a good nap.
3:00pm: Go for a walk in my carriage and fall asleep.
5:30pm: Time for more food!
6-8:30 pm: Play time on my mat or with Mommy and Daddy. A bit crabby after 7, but I like when I can walk around with Mom or Dad holding me.
8:30pm: Night snack #1. Afterwards more walking and fussiness.
10:00pm: Night snack #2.
10:30pm: Time for bed. Laying and looking around in my basket for awhile with my pacifier. Eventually fall asleep on my own.
It is nice that Silas has kind of a rhythm now and it’s easier to know what he wants and needs, this also keeps the crying to a minimum which is great for all three of us.
Notable traits at 3 months.
1) Sleeping in his own room the entire past month. We all sleep better and we don’t get woken up by his rolling around and weird high pitch noises while he sleeps.
2)”Dirty” diapers only once every 4 or 5 days. Great for diaper changing, not so great for the smell of his gas. WOW!
3) Last we checked he weighed 6.6kg and was 63 cm long. That was a few weeks ago though.
4) Smiles and giggles more and more. Especially during “Paddy Cake” and if I sing “You Are My Sunshine” to him.
5) Plays and sits with Mommy at the piano.
6) Has learned to “walk”…Basically he is just holding a lot of his own weight and picks up his feet. He can go across the room though with a lot of help!
7) Has rolled over a few times from tummy to back…pretty sure it was an accident though.
8) Has found his hands. He stares at them in amazement before shoving them in his mouth!
9) Wears size 3 diapers.
10) Has a real laugh. Sometimes it is a little squeal, but he has had a “ha-ha” kind of laugh a few times and it is so adorable.
12) Can be on his tummy for 10-15 minutes at a time.
13) Weighs 15.4 lbs (7 kgs) and is 25.9 inches (66 cm)
Silas’ 3 month photos:
Yum, my hand. |
Playing piano with Mommy |
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