These past few weeks have been full of December fun and traditions. Although the real reason for Christmas doesn’t have anything to do with candy, trees, decorations, etc…it is still fun to have these types of traditions and to make new ones!
A few weeks ago we got our tree and this one is much bigger than the last one! Is has the traditional colored lights and crazy ornaments and we enjoy it every night.
Then last Sunday Søren turned 27 and we celebrated his birthday by going to Esbjerg and making the annual batch of candy (aka Confections or Konfekt) Every year we go to Inger’s house and make “konfekt” with Ulla, Peter and the boys. Again this year we made TONS and tried a new recipe along with the good old must-haves. Søren enjoyed getting to be with family for his birthday and also the big American breakfast I made for him.
Happy Birthday Søren |
Ulla and Inger making "konfekt" |
The boys taking a break |
On Tuesday I tried something new. I made a Christmas decoration for the first time. Every year a bunch of women from our church get together and make Christmas decorations together. There were a lot of experienced women there, so I got a lot of advice and I think the result turned out pretty great! I even got inspired that night to try to spruce up our pots by the door and put together something that is at least prettier than the old shriveled flowers that were there before!
My decoration ---the picture does not capture it's true beauty |
Otherwise we have enjoyed a few Christmas Parties (Julefrokost – a Christmas tradition where you eat very traditional Danish food like herring, sausages, red cabbage, roast, etc.) The first was a work party and we had fun with colleagues. Then the next day we had a party with our small group from church. Lots of good food in one weekend! Tomorrow I am going to a Christmas party with my Show Choir too.
December is a wonderful time of year…even if it is dark by 4:30pm! We look forward to celebrating the 4th Sunday of Advent tomorrow and celebrating the preparation for the birth of Christ and the real reason for the season!
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