Otherwise things are continuing as usual. He is still sleeping through the night but is rising a bit earlier between 6:45 and 7:15am. His daily routine is much like it was last month except he is trying lots of different types of solid foods and in general eating more solids. He only nurses 3 times a day now: morning, noon and evening, but still goes to sleep at 7:30 every night. We often check on him before we ourselves go to bed and usually find him all scrunched up at the head of the bed. I guess he likes to cozy up to the rails to sleep.
In general Silas is still a very happy and smiley little boy. He loves attention and being social and likes to give out charming smiles across the room. We feel so blessed to have him in our lives, he sure does make us smile a lot!
Notable traits at 7 months:
1) Silas can sit on his own without tipping over. He enjoys this position very much but is still eager to stand and likes to stand up against the half wall we have in the entry way.
2) Eats lots of solids: Mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots, peas, avocado, rugbrød, whole milk, oatmeal, bananas, apples, pears, liverpostej (liver paste), fish. The food can not come fast enough for Silas. He loves to eat and eats large portions.
3) Talks a lot! He definitely knows how to interrupt a conversation if he doesn’t feel involved. His noises seem happy and excited.
4) Coos when eating. Very soft and sweet Mmmm sounds.
5) Laughs at us being silly. He can tell when we are trying to make him laugh and he usually humors us with an all out laugh.
6) Loves taking baths. He splashes around and spills tons of water out of the tub. He can now grab his bath toys without them floating away and likes to splash them hard against the water as violently as possible while showing us a huge grin.
7) Has had his first cold. Just a running/stuffy nose and a slight cough. We didn’t notice a fever and definitely didn’t notice much of a change in his mood. He was still the happy go lucky Silas who doesn’t like to get his face wiped.
8) Gets bored and knows how to show it. His old toys are just too boring, and after max 5 minutes he starts whining and wanting something more challenging. Good thing he got some new toys for Christmas.
9) Continues to like music. He loves to “sing” and has his own way of “singing” along to the piano or guitar with some shrill tones. He also loves to play his own little guitar…okay maybe he can’t play it, but he does seem fascinated with pulling the strings.
10) Has learned to make a blubbering sound…he especially loves to do it WHILE he is eating. (see video)
11) Weighs 19.8 lbs (9 kg) and is 28.3 inches (72 cm)
Silas along shopping - sitting in the cart! |
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