Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Silas 19½ months

Here are some of the characteristics and tricks that Silas has right now. He continues to learn more and more words, and becomes easier to understand everyday. Although he is now able to tell us what he wants, he has also learned that getting a “no” is not very fun. Some days just the smallest no can really set him into a tantrum, while other days he can take things in stride. It provides challenges, but in general Silas brings us so much joy, and lots of laughter.

We can’t keep track of all the words Silas can say now.  He identifies things on his own now, and still loves to repeat whatever we say. It seems that he just has to hear a word once or twice and it sticks. He also has begun to say the Danish and the English words for many things. He says them right after eachother like “ost-cheese”. So it is obvious he knows there are two words for everything. Silas has also started putting multiple words together…”Mommy, jacket…Far, pants.. A few times he put 3 words together. (He had his blanket in his hand and wanted to hop on his rubber cow, he said, “Blanket på cow” and later said “more thirsty, thank you”)

Some of the words I can think of are: Chair, blanket, garbage, truck, diaper, screwdriver & skruetrækker), water, brandbil (fire truck), carrots, ouch, foot/feet, cow/ko, ost/cheese, train/tog, fun/sjov.
For Christmas he got his own manger set from Grandma, for weeks he walked around with the baby Jesus figure saying “Jesus” and giving him kisses.

Silas has friends at daycare, we have a picture of all of them and he can say all their names when we point to them.

If I say, “who’s my funny boy”, Silas starts laughing in a funny way.

When we sit down at the table to eat, he folds his hands and says “synge” (sing). We usually sing a table prayer before eating, and one day he just started doing that, even though we never told him to fold his hands or anything.

As Silas has gotten taller, he can now reach the ground on his plastic tricycle and also on his balance bike…He thinks its fun to scoot around.

Another little game Silas likes is to play kitchen. He sets the table, pours drinks and pretends to eat. He says “try” and hen he wants us to try some food.  (He also says try if he wants us to try swinging, or playing with one of his toys)

Dancing has become a lot of fun…he goes totally crazy!!

Do the moves to “If your happy and you know it”

We bought him a step stool that he can use to climb up on in the kitchen and bathroom. If he says “up” to us, we ask him to get his stool and many times he comes with it and steps up. He also uses it as a little table or to sit down a bit.

Lastly, Silas has his own little cave. He climbs into one section of our china cabinet and shuts the door. Then all of a sudden yells, “boo”!





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