Saturday, February 2, 2013

Do you understand?

As earlier mentioned, Silas is talking A LOT! It is clear that he understands that there are 2 words for everything. He will often say 2 words about an object. For example, if he sees his bike he'll say "bike, cykel!"...or if I ask him to bring his cup to the table he says "table, bord" right after each other. We think it's pretty cool and a bit funny.

A great example is from last week. I was at Margit's house picking him up from daycare. I was talking to her about something and in the background I could hear Silas saying "tog..tog.."and pointing. Because I was in the middle of the conversation I didn't really respond to him, so after saying "tog" about 5 times he turned to me and said in a much louder voice "TRAIN!".  Well, it worked, he got my attention. It was as if he was saying..."okay, you obviously don't understand 'tog', so you must understand.."TRAIN!"

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