Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tidbits from a 21 month old

Silas continues to be more and more fun. Now we can almost have a little dialog with him and he answers our questions. He definitely has a meaning about how things should go and No/nej are popular words. But just in the past few weeks he has learned to say Ja/yes, so that has been refreshing and quite cute. However, his usual way of saying yes is...
Silas:  More milk
Us: Do you want more milk Silas?
Silas: Okay! 

In general his vocabulary grows substantially by the day.  We tried to write down all the words he knows, and we easily reached 200 and thought of a few more over the next few days.  Some of my favorites are the longer words like "gyngehest". He says them quite slowly and then smiles. Silas also strings multiple words together, "Mommy, try, eat." and gives me a bite of invisible food.

Silas enjoys his slide, climbing up and sliding down in all directions. He also like to put the slide all the way up to the coffee table and just sit there. Another hit is his scooter bike. He can really zoom around the house now and sometimes tries to have his blanket with him, or wear our shoes and it doesn't always go so well! Finally, CARS are also a favorite lately. He likes to open the doors, and repeats the word "open, open" for a long time pointing at pictures of cars in books. 

Listening to music continues to be a daily routine. Silas has started DJ-ing and likes to change the CDs every 2-3 minutes. Songs with actions are becoming popular and now include "The Wheels on the Bus" (in Danish and English)

Silas really taken an interest in pointing and naming things. Some classics are pictures of people, he points and then yells "FARFAR"...for example. He also likes pointing to facial parts and saying what it is..."Far, næse"...."Mommy, hair."...etc.

Lastly, Silas is very aware of his surroundings and proves to us on a daily basis that he is aware of more than we realize. I'll give you 2 good stories.
1) He was at the grocery store at daycare...when they got up to the cash register they heard a beeping noise...Silas looks up at the checkout lady and says "Ding, boller færdig"....Which means "The rolls are done."
2) One of my socks got wet so I took it off. A few minutes later Silas comes up to me, points at my foot and says "Uh-oh Mommy foot".  Then he runs out of the room and I hear him in our room opening the closet. He returns a minute later with a pair of my socks.

Here are some pictures of what he/we have been up to lately.
Meeting with the mothers group
Mothers Group

An evening with the cousins

Silas and Nikolaj
I want to cook too!

Having a friend over (Balder)

Playing Piano

Finger Painting


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