Sunday, March 10, 2013


Since September, Silas and I have been going to Mommy/child gymnastics. The class is called Power Babies, and there are various activities we do. We always start and end with a song or two, other we have races, parachute games, balloon swatting, bubbles, etc.  The last 15 minutes we bring out a lot of mats and make an obstacle course.  In the beginning Silas was not so excited about anything other than the cart that the mats came on, but over time he began climbing and jumping on the mats and especially liked crawling through the tunnel.

Sadly enough, the gymnastics season is now over. It ended with a gymnastics program for all the classes in our entire town. The Power Babies put on a show to music with everything from Balloons, Bubbles, Hide and Seek, song and being pulled around on a big sheet.  It was fun for us to participate and all of the Power Babies made it through the 5 minute show without any complete meltdowns. Søren and Farmor came to see it and afterwards Silas had fun watching some of the other shows.

The show...lots of people! Probably 1,000+

Giving a smile to the audience

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