Monday, November 11, 2013

A bit of this and that

I have not been so wonderful at updating the blog lately, but here comes a bit of this and that from the past few weeks.

1) Søren is super busy running for county council.  The election is next week (Nov 19th) so he has been very involved in debates, handing out flyers, and preparing "speeches."  He is having a great time, and I too think it is very fun to watch how passionate he is.  It is also amazing to see how much he has grown as a politician in the past month.  I am super proud of him and smile when I see big posters of his face on the light posts in town.  Just last night he was shown, quoted and referenced to on the national Danish television channel.  There are over 1.5 million views for that television program, so that was pretty cool that the media chose him to quote out of all the other candidates there were.  Today he was at a college debate, and they had a mock vote where Søren recieved 11% of all the votes when they were done.  (This is actually a really high amount, as elections are not at all the same as in the US...there are many more parties, so each party needs a smaller procent to get members in the council!)  Søren was also praised for one of  his debates by strangers while handing out flyers on the street last Saturday.

2) I only have 3 weeks left of work before I officially go on maternity leave.  I am looking forward to having time off in December to enjoy decorating, baking cookies, working on Silas' stocking and just staring at our Christmas tree.  My work schedule has been pretty light the past 3 weeks, so I am feeling great and actually have quite a bit of energy.  I have 2 pretty hard weeks ahead, but with maternity leave right around the corner, I think I'm going to make it! I feel kicks and sommersaults all day long, and it is such an amazing feeling. Just think, a brand new life, a brand new person is growing everyday, and soon we will get to meet him!
29 weeks

3) Silas is growing faster than ever. His langauge skills continue to be the largest area of growth.  He talks non-stop and says lots of funny things.  He continues to speak both langauges, and will often tell a story or sentence twice if both Søren and I are in the room.  He mixes up the languages a bit, but it is just cute right now.  For example he will not say "I would like to/I want to..."  Instead he says it in Danish I "vil gerne have" that cup there Mommy.  It never fails...every time "I vil gerne have..."

Another really fun thing lately is his singing.  He goes around the house singing and often gives a performance or two at the dinner table.  He sings along as we sing grace songs before eating, and in general can now sing along while we are singing. Just a month ago it was a lot more of filling in the word, or singing alone. It is fun to sing together with him and see how many songs he really knows.  Silas definitely has an ear for melodies. The other day I was playing the saxophone and I started playing a childrens song...without me every saying/singing a single word, Silas just started singing along.  He picked up the melodi from my mediocre saxophone playing.  I tried it with 4-5 songs and he could do it with them all.

Otherwise, Silas still really enjoys helping us make food, put away the silverware or scrub the dishes after dinner. He wants to be where we are, and is very curious about what we are doing.  He is beginning to be in that phase where he asks "What is that" all the time and I love watching his little brain process all the new information and words.  He is really polite and has learned to say please and thank you...most of the time without a reminder.  He can be a little rough with kids younger than himself, so we are working on being a bit more gentle, and helping him understand his strength and what is okay.

Silas makes us smile everyday with his happy go lucky mood and we are so grateful to get to experience this wonderful ride as his parents.

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