Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving has come and gone again this year.  But not without celebration in Denmark.

Already 2 weeks prior to Thanksgiving we had our annual "American" group together for a day of fun and Thanksgiving food.  It was at our house this year, and we enjoyed having some fun chaos time with the kids and some adult time in the evening for games and giving thanks.

Then as tradition, we had some of our friends over for Thanksgiving.  Again this year we had 9 adults and 7 kids for the big feast.  It was quite chaotic, but that's what we love now-a-days. I decided to have some kids activites on hand this year, and it turned out it was great.  I tend to have some weird and crazy ideas, and this was no exception.  I had the kids make little "turkey's" out of a chocolate covered marshmallow (flødebolle), toothpicks and small pieces of candy.  The kids were so proud of their creations and they got to eat them afterwards. Silas made one too, and was so excited to show his far when he was done, that he wouldn't eat it until Søren saw it!

After all 7 kids were put to bed, we had pumpkin pie and a round of thanks.  I felt so thankful for the friends in my life as I listened to their genuine thanks. It is very wonderful to have a day of the year dedicated to remembering and not taking for granted all the blessings that we have.

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