Benjamin 2 months old
First of all Benjamin is all stretched out. The fetal position has been traded in for a lot of kicking and batting with his arms. Also he has become a lot more alert. His eyes can focus on faces and objects for a long period of time and he has a sparkle in his eyes when he catches yours.
His "langauge" has also improved. Going from only making crying noises, to now making small whimpering noises or coos. He also makes small laugh like noises, but they are definitely not full out laughs just yet.
Sleeping continues to be the focus point of the day. Benjamin is still only awake for about 5-6 hours a day, and that is including feeding. He takes a 4 hour nap in the morning and often times a 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon. He is then awake for a few hours before taking shorter naps during the evening and finally crashing for the night around 9 or 10 after a feeding. This later bedtime has been wonderful as it means that Mommy can get more hours of uninterupted sleep. Benjamin has been waking up between 2:30 and 4:30 for his next feeding, so that gives anywhere from 4-6 hours of non-stop sleep for us!
I have started in a mother's group again this time, and they have yet to meet Benjamin, as he has been sleeping the entire time both times we've met!! We have found out that he sleeps best if he is not given his pacifier, so we just take a short 5 minute walk with him in his carriage and then he sleeps for those long stretches. Definitely worth it...even in bad weather!
Some other facts
1) Sleeps in his bassinet for all naps and at night
2) Spits up only a small amount after each feeding--he is a balanced eater and stops when he is full.
3) Feedings only take 10-20 mintues
4) Can follow objects with his eyes
5) Enjoys looking at the car mobile above the changing table...especially when it is moving
6) Has started noticing his hands---he stares at them in amazement and they often find his mouth.
7) Likes to lay on his activity mat and stare up at things that are hanging, or just the colorful sides
8) Rides in the bike trailer on the way to pick up Silas
9) Is very popular at preschool. Lots of the kids come up and want to hold him and give him hugs. They say that he is "dejlig"!
10)Wears size 62 clothes---3 month shirts are definitely not too big either!
11) Weighs 6.7kg (14.7lbs) and is 60cm (23.6inches) long
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