Anyway, it is the culture here that when a child is around the age of 3, they switch from daycare to a larger, more institutionalized daycare option. Børnehave. So at almost 3 years of age, it was time for Silas to "move on." We have not been nervous about the switch, as Silas is quite independent and social and likes new challenges, all of which he gets to continue to develop in Børnehave.
A few weeks before his starting day, Margit, and all her daycare children, went to visit Silas' new preschool. They participated in the morning routine, were given a tour of the facilities, and got to play with the toys in the RED ROOM, where the youngest kids start out. Another one of Silas' friends from Margit's house, Emelia, was to start preschool the same day as Silas, so it was a great trip for them both.
The following week, Søren and I went with Silas to visit the preschool and officially meet the leader of Silas' RED group. We were given information on how the upstart would take form and also got a little tour of the place. It was fun to see Silas kind of show us some of the things he had seen during his visit with Margit. He especially liked to show us the small toilets in the bathroom, and the refrigerator where their pack lunches go.
Monday March 3rd came and Silas was ready to start. He was super excited about bringing his new Lightning McQueen lunch box with, and helped me make his lunch. Søren brought him there the first day and stayed for an hour and a half joining in on the morning rituals. We picked up Silas again after lunch where we found him sitting at the table talking to some of the other kids from his group. He called them by name and said "see you tomorrow". It was comforting to see him already adapting to his new environment.
The past 2 weeks have gone really well. Silas cries most mornings when Søren says goodbye, but the workers assure us that less than 1 minute after Søren leaves, Silas is happy and playing with the others again. It helps that he gets to wave goodbye in the window. Silas especially likes playing outside and I find him there every afternoon when I pick him up. Silas has come home singing many new songs he has learned and can perform them along with all the actions. He sleeps in the music room on a mattress with 14 other children. It has gone well most days, but some days he hasn't really slept much, but luckily he hasn't seemed too effected by that.
I personally think it is so strange to pick up Silas in the afternoon and find him often just playing in a corner by himself or with some of the others, with no adults super close by. We also get a lot less information about what they have done during the day, so that takes som getting used to. I guess this is all just part of the next step in Silas becoming an independent person. We are happy to see that Silas enjoys being there and likes to tell about his day when he comes home.
On Friday it was Father's Day at the preschool and Silas and Søren had a fun morning together. It was great to get to hear about how a normal day is for them and Søren got to experience it first hand. We feel it is a great preschool with lots of caring workers, so we are certain it will be a good match for Silas.
Pictures from his first day---off he goes with his lunch in hand!
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