Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What's in a gene?

It looks like Benjamin has gotten more of my genes than what meets the eye.  Due to my hip dislocation as a child, my children have received extra hips checks after birth.  At 5 weeks old Benjamin was in for an ultrasound scanning of his hips. The numbers weren't quite what they should be so we were asked to come back 5 weeks later in hopes that the numbers would improve on their own.  At this second scanning the numbers had NOT improved and the angles of his legs in the hip socket were still too small.

Therefore we waited another 2 weeks to get called into an Orthopedic specialist, yesterday. The specialist could quickly tell that Benjamin would need to wear a hip brace.  So off to another town we went to get his brace put on.  I was pretty calm about the whole situation.  I myself had to wear a hip brace for most of my first year of life, and well I came out fine from that, being able to run and play sports, etc.  So I was pretty worry free, and thankful for the fact that they caught it already at 3 months.

When we got to the place where Benjamin would get the brace on, a woman greeted us.  Right away she started complaining about how the system was and that it just wasn't right that Benjamin gets his brace on when he is 3 months old. He should have had it on the same week he was born....then everything would be easier. He wouldn't be bothered by it as he couldn't kick at birth the way he can now, he wouldn't get behind in his motor skills as he will now....etc.  She just kept mentioning the negative things, and suddenly my previously positive attitude also became frustrated and sad.  When Benjamin got the brace on, my mood did not improve.  He was not very happy about having to keep his legs in a certain position and screamed for about an hour.  We had to drive home and finally after 15 minutes or so he stopped screaming and fell asleep.  The rest of the day went just fine. He could easily nap and smile like before.  There were just a few times he suddenly started screaming while trying to kick his legs, but we could comfort him rather quickly again.  For the most part he also slept well last night, but had a hard time falling asleep after his feeding, as he couldn't just fall asleep while eating in his new spread legs position.

All in all we are grateful that the situation is under control now.  The specialist said there is a 90% chance for a complete success through using the brace alone.  The first time around Benjamin will need to wear the brace for 6 weeks where we get it adjusted every other week.  Then after the 6 weeks are up, he will have another ultrasound to check for improvements.

Both Søren and I feel bad for our little Benjamin, but he seems to be taking it pretty cool. However, it's never fun to see your child uncomfortable and frustrated.

As you can see in the pictures below it is quite difficult to get pants around those we will have to figure something out. Maybe go up a few sizes in pants for the next 6 weeks?!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Benjamin 3 months

Benjamin 3 months

Benjamin continues to be a very happy baby. He smiles alot, especially while sung to, and has even begun to chuckle a bit. He still sleeps a lot, but his sleep schedule has changed a bit the past week at least.  Now he has slept shorter in the morning (30min-1hour), then a long afternoon nap (from 11-3pm or so) a few power naps and then sleeping for the night around 8pm.  Then the big news, waking up only once between 2:30-3:30 to nurse and sleep again until 7-ish!  So it's possible he has more of a schedule now.

We are adjusting well to life as a family of 4, and it seems like Benjamin has been in our lives always.

Here are some of his "traits" this month:
1) Sucks on his hands, constantly!
2) Loves to be on the changing table and watch the car mobile hanging from the ceiling.
3) Begun to coo and make happy noises
4) Can lay on his stomach for almost 5 minutes
5) Has favorite songs and smiles everytime he hears them (Scrub-dub and We are Family)
6) Enjoys laying on his play mat where he can look at the colors and bat at the toys
7) Is very calm and can just sit on your lap or in his highchair content and happy
8) Can fall alseep on his own..not much walking or rocking needed
9) Sticks his tongue out and smiles!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter preparations:

We had a wonderful Easter vacation.  Søren was completely free from all types of work Thursday-Monday and we enjoyed lots of family time.  We spent Thursday and Friday in Esbjerg visiting Farmor.  Ulla and her family were down there as well, so we had a great time.  Thursday was pretty rainy so we stayed inside and Silas had a fever so he laid low.  Friday the weather was a lot nicer and we spent a lot of time outside.  Lukas and I went rollerblading, we had an easter egg hunt, took a walk to the playground, played some soccer and I cut Celinas hair.  All the days we had delicious food and good conversation.  There was even time for a few boards games as the kids were napping or sleeping.

Saturday we spent in our own garden. I planted flowers and we spiffy'd up our flagpole.  A nice relaxing and productive day.

Sunday we spent laying low at home enjoying the beautiful weather. There was an outdoor Easter egg hunt in the morning and Silas found all the eggs by himself.  We all went to church, but again Silas wasn't feeling well so Søren ended up leaving with him.  I stayed with Benjamin and really enjoyed the service.  Lots of worship songs that just brought joy into my heart.  YAY, HE HAS RISEN!!!

Farmor came for dinner Sunday and we had a nice evening together.  Monday we spent the day with our friend Jim from Watermark and his family.  It was nice to see them and watch our kids play together.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chicken Pox!

2 weeks ago Silas got the chicken pox.  We noticed the first spots Sunday morning and by Sunday evening he had quite a few.  Due to the pox Silas was not allowed in Preschool so he stayed home with us the whole week.  He wasn't really bothered by them, so we had a really fun week doing different activities and hanging out.

Some of the activities we did were:
Going to the library
Making sugar cookies with cutouts and frosting
Baking rolls
Watching Toy Story like 3 times
Going to Fars work 
Playing outside and the playground
Making paper airplanes
Drawing and using stickers
Singing songs