Benjamin 3 months
We are adjusting well to life as a family of 4, and it seems like Benjamin has been in our lives always.
Here are some of his "traits" this month:
1) Sucks on his hands, constantly!
2) Loves to be on the changing table and watch the car mobile hanging from the ceiling.
3) Begun to coo and make happy noises
4) Can lay on his stomach for almost 5 minutes
5) Has favorite songs and smiles everytime he hears them (Scrub-dub and We are Family)
6) Enjoys laying on his play mat where he can look at the colors and bat at the toys
7) Is very calm and can just sit on your lap or in his highchair content and happy
8) Can fall alseep on his own..not much walking or rocking needed
9) Sticks his tongue out and smiles!
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