Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter preparations:

We had a wonderful Easter vacation.  Søren was completely free from all types of work Thursday-Monday and we enjoyed lots of family time.  We spent Thursday and Friday in Esbjerg visiting Farmor.  Ulla and her family were down there as well, so we had a great time.  Thursday was pretty rainy so we stayed inside and Silas had a fever so he laid low.  Friday the weather was a lot nicer and we spent a lot of time outside.  Lukas and I went rollerblading, we had an easter egg hunt, took a walk to the playground, played some soccer and I cut Celinas hair.  All the days we had delicious food and good conversation.  There was even time for a few boards games as the kids were napping or sleeping.

Saturday we spent in our own garden. I planted flowers and we spiffy'd up our flagpole.  A nice relaxing and productive day.

Sunday we spent laying low at home enjoying the beautiful weather. There was an outdoor Easter egg hunt in the morning and Silas found all the eggs by himself.  We all went to church, but again Silas wasn't feeling well so Søren ended up leaving with him.  I stayed with Benjamin and really enjoyed the service.  Lots of worship songs that just brought joy into my heart.  YAY, HE HAS RISEN!!!

Farmor came for dinner Sunday and we had a nice evening together.  Monday we spent the day with our friend Jim from Watermark and his family.  It was nice to see them and watch our kids play together.

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