Friday, July 11, 2014

First week in the US

We’ve been in Minnesota for a week already and are definitely enjoying ourselves…all 4 of us.  The flights went really well, and we could tell that Silas was prepared for the trip.  He carried his own bag the whole time and was so excited looking out the airplane windows and noticing cars, planes and tractors below. Both boys slept on and off and were very well behaved.  On our first flight there weren’t any personal tvs behind the seats so the stewardesses went around handing out ipads to all those who wanted one…
The first few days here were pretty laid back.  The boys took a few days to get adjusted to the time difference, but now they are sleeping in until about 7, so that is amazing!  Soren and I have been enjoying some mini-dates as my Mom has "watched" the boys while they were sleeping. We have been to Dairy Queen, Cherry Berry (a frozen yoghurt bar) and Applebees where we had appetizers and cold beverages! It's been a lot of fun to get away together, also to Target and other small errands. 
The 4th of July was a lot of fun.  We all went to the Delano Parade and Silas loved watching all the cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles. Many floats threw candy so he also loved running to pick those up.
Otherwise we have just had some morning activites...the mall, visiting my friends Andrea and Crystal with their boys, breakfast with my Auntie Ellie and family, playgrounds...etc. 
On Monday we are heading out west to see the Blackhills in South Dakota and looking forward to that more touristy part of our vacation. 
Here's a look at some pictures so far.

Auntie Elile and I

4th of July parade

4th of July parade

4th of July parade


Brown get together


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