Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fastelavn - Carnival

It's that special time of year again.  Lent.  The preparation time up to Easter! The beginning of this time is celebrated in many countries around the world, but having a dress up celebration.  This celebration is called "Fastelavn" here in Denmark and includes children dressing up, eating special creme-filled rolls, hitting a barrel full of candy with a stick, and making decorations.

We have a Fastelavn party at church every year and this year Silas was dressed as.....Spiderman!  The idea was that Silas would be Buzz Lightyear and Benjamin would be Cowboy Woody.  Well, that plan changed when his friend Balder gave him his old Spiderman costume while we were visiting them a week before "Fastelavn".  No biggie, Silas loved being Spiderman the whole week and we made a mask together to complete the costume.

They also had a Fastelavn party at pre-school where Silas was one of 4 or 5 Spidermen.  He was so excited to tell about the three legged race he did with one of the other Spidermen.
Quote from Silas: "Then Jens and I "sidder fast" on our legs and then we run and we fall over...isn't that silly Mommy?"    (sidder fast = got stuck)

Fastelavn at Pre-school

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