Sunday, February 15, 2015

Goodbye Diaper!

Silas has now officially said goodbye to his diaper!  We don't even know how it happened.  We had been practicing sitting on the toilet after dinner quite inconsistently for awhile.  Then one day Silas just said..."I want to go out of diaper."  So we took it off.  A little while later we saw him run off towards the bathroom where he quickly yells out...I peed, I peed!!  The rest of that weekend he didn't have a diaper on and peed and pooped on the big toilet.  He didn't even have any accidents.

Since that first weekend things have continued to go in the right direction! Every day the next week when he came home from pre-school he took his diaper off right away and used the toilet the rest of the day.  Then the next week we "forgot" to put his diaper on before we brought him to pre-school and he was so excited about telling the adults that he doesn't use a diaper anymore.  And from that day on he has only had a diaper on at night!  That Friday we packed up all his diapers from pre-school and brought them home.  Silas said that now Samuel (his friend who was going to start the following Monday) could use his box for his diapers!

So now we have a big boy who just runs out and uses the toilet when he needs to.  We don't even need to ask him.  And his night time diapers have been dry 90% of the nights, so we will be getting rid of those soon too.  It has been fun to see how proud Silas is of this accomplishment, and well his parents think that it is a big deal and are very proud as well.  (PS: I wasn't able to post this yesterday as I had hoped, and in the mean time Silas slept last night without a diaper...he said he didn't want it on!, so we've packed all the diapers away for good! Awesome!)

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