Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas 2016

We had a wonderful Christmas this year.  Traditionally in Denmark the 24th is the biggest celebration day.  We start with church at 11am where I again this year sung "O' Holy Night" as the praeludium.  It was extra special to sing it this year as in my heart it was in memory of my Mom.  We came back home for lunch and naps before heading to Søren's sisters house.  We had such a wondeful time celebrating with Ulla, Peter, our 2 nephews Lukas and Nikolaj, niece Celina and Søren's Mom Inger.  It was a real party with so many of us.  Our kids absolutely adore their cousins so it was just a joy to see them all hang out and play together.  The afternoon went fast and soon it was dinner time.  We had "flæskesteg" (pork roast with crispy fat strips on top), duck breast, 2 kinds of potatoes, red cabbage and french chips (ha ha...regular potato is considered fancy in Denmark).  Then for dessert we had the traditional rice pudding with the almond hid in it.  This year we had 2 hidden almonds; one for the adults and one for the kids.  Lukas and Inger won!  Silas was cute, he really wanted to get the almond but took it well that he didn't.  Benjamin didn't even want to try the dessert.

After dessert it was time to dance around the tree and through the house before distributing presents.  Nikolaj, Celina and Silas distributed and we took turns opening presents in a circle.  All of the kids were really good at watching what the others got and took joy in seeing others happiness.

Then there was time to play a little bit and have some candy, etc before driving home.  It was a great night!

Christmas morning the boys had filled stockings and enjoyed looking at what was inside.  We had saved the present from us for the 25th so the boys got suprised with new (used) pedal tractors and trailers for outside! They were excited and it'll be fun to really break them in when the weather gets nicer.

Otherwise the rest of the day consisted of building legos and playing with new toys! It was a wonderfully relaxing day which ended with Farmor (Inger) visiting for dinner!  We are so blessed to have so many days together as a family!

Playing in the wrapping paper!

Enjoying the new gifts!

Enjoying the new gifts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Mary,

I so love reading about the normal day to day antics. The boys are so handsome (like their parents).

Love you all so very much - special Minnesota hugs to each of you!

Love you,

Lisa Brown