Sunday, May 28, 2017

Liam 8 months

Liam 8 months

We've got an independent man on our hands.  Liam is now a full out crawler and crawls any and everywhere.  He can crawl into the most small and odd places and most often get himself out again.  He is also so much more stable when standing up and can get down again without falling backwards and hitting his head. He can "walk" around tables, counters, whatever, just moving one foot slowly after the other and even scooch chairs or boxes around and walk with them. He is so curious and it's really fun to see him explore!

Liam continues to be a good eater and is eating more and more of whatever we eat. (Including ice cream which Søren gave him one day) He really likes to eat by himeself and is content sitting through a whole meal.  His absolute favorite food are pea pancakes which he can eat all by himself. He has a perfect tweezer grip and is getting quite fast at eating small pieces of fruit, bread and meat.  Liam is content to sit in his high chair for the entire meal...and sometimes that can be a long time with the tempo his brothers set.

Liam now has 4 teeth...two on top and two on the bottem, but 1 more on top is on his way.

Liam got the chicken pox 3 weeks after Benjamin.  You couldn't really tell by his mood, he was just his normal happy self.  He got about 60 pox but they never seemed to itch or bother him.

Seperation anxiety is something that we definitely understand now.  Even if we are in the same room as Liam he will start really crying hard if he can't "feel" or see us.  He gets really upset and frantically crawls where he thinks we went.  On the other hand, if you sit on the floor he will crawl all over and just come over and say hi once in awhile and then crawl back to play.  It's quite cozy!

Liam sleeps a little bit longer stretches at night lately.  For ex: 7:30-12 _ eat _ then sleep from 12:15-4/4:30.  He has a hard time falling asleep again there at 4 sometimes, but sometimes a feeding can help and he'll sleep until 6/6:30.  As for naps he still takes about 2 naps.  One nap lasting 2-3 hours + 1 or 2 more about 1 hour. However, it's been a little more challenging lately to get him to sleep for naps as he constantly wants to spin on his stomach and sit up!

Along with the seperation anxiety,  Liam has really become a Mommy's boy. If I leave the room even though Søren is there, he will cry and cry and try to crawl over to me.  If he is just playing fine by himself and he catches a glimpse of me, he will start whining and crawl in my direction.  A lot of times if Søren is holding him and I get too close, he will reach out for me and want me to take him instead.  As both Silas and Benjamin are major Daddy's boys, I am actually really enjoying this!!!

Liam likes to babble and talks non-stop..da da da, ba, ba, BAH..etc.  Especially if he has something to chew on.

Liam has been going with me every wednesday to Gospel-Kids practice and the kids have watched him grow.  Every time he has learned a new trick, they are so delighted.  One girl was gone a few weeks and when she came back Liam could crawl.  She was so excited and exlaimed "He can crawl".. Liam was alwasy great and just entertained himself.  All the kids love him and had a hard time saying goodbye last week after our last rehearsal as they all wanted to hold him one last time!

Oh and Liam is very camera happy! When you point it at him his whole face lights up with the biggest smile!

We love our little boy and he brings us very much joy..,,we are blessed to be a family of 5!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Missing teeth

Way back when Silas was 4 he lost his two bottom middle teeth.  Now at almost 6 his teeth are falling out like crazy! He lost 3 teeth within a month and his smile is the cutest.  When he lost one of his front teeth he talked with a lisp for a few days! He was so excited to put the teeth under his pillow and in the morning he had gotten a few coins....which was really great because he is saving up for a big lego set!

After the bottom ones came out

A week or so later!

Benjamin's chicken pox

Chicken pox has infected our little town of Skjern and Benjamin picked it up too!  In fact out of 12 kids in his pre-school group, 8 of them had the chicken pox at the same time!

Luckily for Benjamin he has a very mild case of it. I couldn't really count them,  but I'd say maybe only 100 or so spots and only 10 of them that ever got big. He never got at fever and in fact he was in a great mood the whole week.  The only time he seemed bothered by them was one evening, in the beginning, at dinner when he had to sit down and the ones on his bottom bothered him. 

Benjamin stayed home all last week and it was very nice to spend some time together.  Every day while Liam was napping we played outside swinging and playing restaurant in the playhouse.  Eventhouh it wasn't the most convenient time...Søren had a lot of obligations that week and was also gone for 2 days....we made the most of it and this week I miss spending the whole day with him.

Here are a few pictures...he wasn't so excited about getting his picture taken.


Relaxation time

Liam 7 months

Liam 7 months!

Liam is as happy as ever.  H is still very mobile and scooching around all over the house.  He doesn't have time to practice sitting up...he just goes back on his belly and is off to another corner of the house.  His newest skill would be climbing. He reaches up and pulls himself up on his knees. We have found him in some pretty interesting places.  He definitely doesn't give up!

Liam has also gotten teeth.  The first 2 on the bottom came in just after he turned 6 months and now the top front teeth are coming in and almost all the way through.

A lot of changes have been happening when it comes to food.  Liam went from eating 1 meal of rice cereal a day to eating 3 meals of "regular" food a day:  Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana or prunes, Lunch: Rugbrød with liverpaste or avocado (in small pieces softened by milk), Dinner: potatoes, sweetpotatoes, broccoli, peas, pea pancakes, chicken so far.    Sometime he gets some fruit as a snack throughout the day or some figs pieces which he can pick up himself and put in his mouth, and only nurses 3 times during the day.  As for nursing at night...that is still 3 times a night.  Usually around 11pm, 2am and again around 5am.  We know he doesn't need all those night feedings, but it is the quickest way to get him back to sleep and we all need our sleep!....oh and he drinks REALLY well from a cup!

Liam makes a lot of ba ba ba noises as well as trut noises with his lips. Silas and Benjmain can really get him to laugh by saying "stinky cheese" or just "boo".

Food and sleep are still the staples of Liam's life and he continues to be a good sleeper during the day.  Taking one 2½ to 3 hour nap a day (usually from 9-12) and then another hour nap around 3pm.  During his waking hours he is so content just scooching around and he will just scooch on over to your leg and smile.  Liam smiles all the time! Just give him a smile and he will give you one back.  Some of my favorite times are in the morning (he has his early morning feeding in bed with me), when he wakes up cooing and just looking into my eyes with the biggest smile! I could never get enough of that!!!