Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Benjamin's chicken pox

Chicken pox has infected our little town of Skjern and Benjamin picked it up too!  In fact out of 12 kids in his pre-school group, 8 of them had the chicken pox at the same time!

Luckily for Benjamin he has a very mild case of it. I couldn't really count them,  but I'd say maybe only 100 or so spots and only 10 of them that ever got big. He never got at fever and in fact he was in a great mood the whole week.  The only time he seemed bothered by them was one evening, in the beginning, at dinner when he had to sit down and the ones on his bottom bothered him. 

Benjamin stayed home all last week and it was very nice to spend some time together.  Every day while Liam was napping we played outside swinging and playing restaurant in the playhouse.  Eventhouh it wasn't the most convenient time...Søren had a lot of obligations that week and was also gone for 2 days....we made the most of it and this week I miss spending the whole day with him.

Here are a few pictures...he wasn't so excited about getting his picture taken.


Relaxation time

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