Liam 7 months!
Liam has also gotten teeth. The first 2 on the bottom came in just after he turned 6 months and now the top front teeth are coming in and almost all the way through.
A lot of changes have been happening when it comes to food. Liam went from eating 1 meal of rice cereal a day to eating 3 meals of "regular" food a day: Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana or prunes, Lunch: Rugbrød with liverpaste or avocado (in small pieces softened by milk), Dinner: potatoes, sweetpotatoes, broccoli, peas, pea pancakes, chicken so far. Sometime he gets some fruit as a snack throughout the day or some figs pieces which he can pick up himself and put in his mouth, and only nurses 3 times during the day. As for nursing at night...that is still 3 times a night. Usually around 11pm, 2am and again around 5am. We know he doesn't need all those night feedings, but it is the quickest way to get him back to sleep and we all need our sleep!....oh and he drinks REALLY well from a cup!
Liam makes a lot of ba ba ba noises as well as trut noises with his lips. Silas and Benjmain can really get him to laugh by saying "stinky cheese" or just "boo".
Food and sleep are still the staples of Liam's life and he continues to be a good sleeper during the day. Taking one 2½ to 3 hour nap a day (usually from 9-12) and then another hour nap around 3pm. During his waking hours he is so content just scooching around and he will just scooch on over to your leg and smile. Liam smiles all the time! Just give him a smile and he will give you one back. Some of my favorite times are in the morning (he has his early morning feeding in bed with me), when he wakes up cooing and just looking into my eyes with the biggest smile! I could never get enough of that!!!
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