Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Liam 9 months

Liam 9 months

9 months in and now 9 months out.  Liam is such an independent little guy.   He has been crawling and standing for awhile now, but now he is really fast and really stable.  He can walk around the table, push his walking toy, get down from the standing position without falling, can sit up – crawl – sit up, etc. etc.  He is a mover and he is so happy with it.  He loves to just “wander” around if there are people in the same room.  He will just come over and say hi, crawl up on you and give you a sloppy kiss or cheek hug. 

So not much new since last month, just that practice makes perfect!

Food wise he is still a champ at eating and picking up things by himself.  I do however believe that he does not currently like leverpostej (liver paste), which is a staple here in Denmark.  He will normally eat almost a whole piece of bread if it has cream cheese, tuna, chicken salad, torskerogn, fig spread, but only like 5 bites if it is leverpostej! Ha ha…he takes after his Mom!  He devours his afternoon whole grain porridge with fruit purée and eats really well for breakfast and dinner as well.  Sometimes Liam gets distracted by his brothers at dinner time and it’s hard to keep him focused on his task.

This past month we took Liam to the ear doctor, as I had last month seen him pulling on his ears and this gave me a slight suspicion there might be something wrong.  To make a long story short, there was a lot of fluid in his ears and he had ear infections in both ears!  The doctor recommended getting tubes put in, so last week Liam had his first “operation.”  It is never fun to have to put your baby under, but after a few days he seems to be doing much better.  However, the sleep has not really gotten better.  Liam continues to sleep well during the day…. (2-3 hour nap in the morning, 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon, in bed around 7:30)…all that is great!  But from 11pm to 6 am he is getting up multiple times and usually around 2am he is awake for over an hour.  Depending on how much he is up at night he will get up between 5 and 6 am. We know we need to take the fight at night, but for now I just feed him and hope it gets him back to sleep.  We are going to the US next week so with the time difference and everything we don’t want to take the fight now just to have to do it again.  Or maybe a miracle will happen and he will just figure it out on his own when his inner clock gets all messed up??!!!  

Liam is still constantly happy and smiles to strangers.  He says a lot of da da sounds and happy noises.  His big brothers adore him and we think being a family of 5 gets a little bit easier every day. 

This month some new tricks are:
1 1)      Getting in to all the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, the boys lego bins,  etc….and everything must come out!
2 2)      Walking with his walker toy
3 3)      Scooching furniture around
4 4)      Standing up and scooching around tables, or from one high item to the next
5 5)      Like to hang out in the baby carrier, up close to Mommy
6 6)  Can sit in a shopping cart by himself.
6 7)      Has almost 8 teeth all the way in…the last 2 on the bottom are just about through!
7 8)      Apparently doesn’t mind eating sand…he loves crawling around in the sand box and standing up in the play house.
S 9) Separation anxiety is a lot better.  Now instead of just screaming if you leave the room, he will just crawl and find you, maybe whimpering a little bit.

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