Here are some of the traits we see in Silas as a 6 year old.
-Makes funny and high-pitched noises - boos booz, sweetie..just high noises, etc. A lot of it is aimed at Liam but sometimes he just makes these loud noises.
-Asks a lot of questions about God. "Why did God make...." He thinks and know God made everything, but wants to know why God made mosquitos, etc. He doesn't quite understand why some things are here...but hey, neither do I!
-Calls me Mama a lot of times. And will also just come up to me and say "I love you Mama!"
-Loves his baby brother Liam and is very helpful. In the car talking to him and giving him his pacifier, feeding him, bringing him to us, making him laugh...etc.
-Really likes to have someone playing with him. He can play by himself but prefers company...even if just to watch him build legos etc.
-He now shares a room with Benjamin and they enjoy it a lot. Maybe a little too much sometimes with all their giggling and throwing stuffed animals, etc. But latelty Silas really loves it if Benjamin falls asleep first and he will call us into the room and ask if we will help him fall asleep. This means running our finger over his forhead and the bridge of his nose. He really enjoys that.
-Still loves doggy, and if I use him as a puppet, Silas will talk to him.
-He has noticed that some langauge is not so polite or okay. Some of the danish phrases using various words for the devil are very interesting to him. One day I asked him if he knew what those words meant and after saying No we had a talk about it. He doesn't use the words anymore actually and now just has lots of questions about the devil. It leads for some good conversation. One of my favorite things he said is ---"if he (the devil) comes knocking here, I will lock the door!"
-Has some really good friends at pre-school (all the boys from his group) and he calls them his boys
Lukas, Viktor, Peter, Jonathan, Nicolai, William.
-Still asks about Grandma and brings up memories....just they other day "That's the movie we say with Grandpa (Finding Dory)...He will also say "I want to talk to Grandma but I can't, she's dead." matter of fact.
-Apparently he has a wife in pre-schol named Celina. He calls her his wife. He also said the other day that he wanted to be a dad one day and have 16 children. I said, "Wow, that's a lot of children",,,He then thought about it awhile and said...Yeah maybe 16 are too many, that's a lot of money, and that's a lot of babies that have to be in Celina's tummy. (I laughed so hard!)
- Has gone to Soccer and Handball this year. He really likes playing goalie.
-Has lost 5 teeth. 4 on the bottom and 1 on top!
-Some favorite activities are: Making a stage and having concerts, playing police and robbers, jumping on the trampoline, seeing Lego videos on You Tube, swimming (without wings), playing store - setting it up and using money to pay, etc, drawing- especially writing words, he knows almost all of the letters and can write them, and of course building LEGOS, both small and duplo.
Silas is a very sweet boy and is very energetic and positive. He likes to try to make people laugh if he can see they are a little bit sad...even if it means hitting himself, etc. He gets very excited about things and can just blurt out "Wow, this is just a really great day!" He can have a hard time stopping when somebody says stop or no, but he says himself that he is "practicing" that. We love him so much and look forward to a new chapter of his life when he starts school in the fall.
I interviewed Silas the other day and here are his responses
What is your name: Silas
When is your birthday: May
How old are you: 6
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite food: Risengrød
Who is your best friend: Samuel and all my boys
What instrument do you want to play: Bass and Electric guitar
Who do you love?: Doggie
What makes you sad: Nothin' (big smile)
What makes you happy: When I tease Benjamin
What do you want to be when you grow up: Garbage man, working man, snitte man, or tanks where you shoot animals that aren't so nice.
What does love mean: I love you really much
Far always says: No to that he hasn't taught me to say "øv bøv bussemand, sur tær i saftevand"
Mom always says: I don't know
Do you like speaking English or Danish: Both
What does Mommy do with you that is fun: Plays lego
What does Far do with you tahat is fun: Plays lego
1 comment:
So proud of all the boys. Happy belated birthday to our big Silas! You all look so wonderful and cannot wait to see you all!
Hugs and so much love!
Lisa Brown
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