Thursday, August 30, 2018

Half of 70

I had my 35th birthday last week.  For many years I have just considered my birthday another number added to the previous, and this year was the same. Even though Søren did have to remind me a few times that I am closer to 40 now than I am to 30! Hmm... But I have a great life, so I can take it!

I had to work until 2:30pm, but all my new students at work were really sweet and wishing me happy birthday all day.  I even got to sing a birthday song to myself for the daily morning gathering with the entire student body and staff.  After work, Søren took the boys for an hour to shop for homemade Tapas, and I had an hour of quiet, book reading bliss at home.  Then we went bowling and the boys loved it....even Liam had a great time, and really wanted his turn too!  We came home and had a "hyggelig" tapas dinner, topped off with carrot cake (my favorite)! Søren and I enjoyed a nice quiet evening on the couch wathching a few episodes of "How I Met Your Mother"  A great day indeed. 

My presents included:  Some clothes and a new phone cover from Søren and the boys, A new rainjacket, exercise shoes and some flowers.  I also still have some birthday money to spend, so we'll see what I get for that!!

Happy Birthday Me!

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