Friday, November 2, 2018

Liam 2 years old

Liam 2 years old!
Happy Birthday!

Liam is now 2 years old and changing everyday.  We celebrated his birthday on 2 occasions.  1 on his birthday where Farfar and Hanne came for dinner, and 2 when we were in Germany with Ulla + fam and Farmor in the fall break.  Liam loved all his Peppa Pig Toys, remote control car, cute clothes and puzzle! Benjamin and Silas loved celebrating Liam and helping him open and break in his new toys.

Here are some characteristics/updates about Liam as a 2 year old!
Language has taken a huge jump as of late.  It started with Liam copying just about everything we said…especially the not always so “great” words of his bigger brothers.  We noticed that he pronounced the words really well and now a few months later Liam can communication so many words on his own and also put 2-3-4 words together.  He doesn’t usually say the English word first, but if he is talking or reading books with me, he will continue to copy me when I use the English words, so he is getting some English practice in! 😊   

Some favorite “quotes” of his are:
-     “Mig gøre”  --- Which means, let me do it by myself!

-        "Min Mommy” ---My Mommy---him and Benjamin like to discuss the topic of whose Mommy I am.

-          “Push” – Here is an English word he uses when he wants someone to push his chair closer to the table.

-          “Op” – or “Up” – This word seems to confuse him because he most often uses it when he wants to get DOWN from being held, etc.

       "En to tre fire seks syv" - 1,2,3,4,6,7 -- He can count almost in order and also a bit in English!. If you ask him how many items are in front of him, he will answer "mere" (more) if there are more than 1 item! 

-          “Dut” – His pronounciation for “sut” which is also known as a pacifier in English.  PS: He can get hysterical about this one, if you he isn’t allowed to have his pacifier or doesn’t get it quick enough.

-           “Ben-min” + “Siah” – These are Liam’s pronunciations of his bigger brothers names.  (Ben-meen, See-ah)
At the end of the day when I am putting him to bed, I always ask him if he’s had a good day.  And he answers “Yeah”…. But just the past few weeks he has begun to explain things that have happened to him, and I acutally understand.  He’ll say “mig leg biler…og far, ben-min, siah…og MOMMY”  (translation: I play cars, and far, and Ben-min and Siah and Mommy!)   He says it in the most excited voice and when you repeat what he says he just shakes his head yes and says “Yeah”!

Otherwise Liam really like to do rough and sometimes crazy things.  He will climb up on the couch or even a taller chair or table, and then just jump off thinking someone will catch him.  He really loves to climb and jump.  He also likes to do sommersaults and wrestle with his bigger brothers.  If Benjamin and Silas  are rough housing, Liam will come running saying “Mig med” (Me too) and join in! 

Liam loves little animal figures of all sorts.  Farm animals, zoo animals,  Duplo animals, Paw Patrol animals, Peppa Pig animals…etc.  He loves to carry them around (as many as he can manage to hold at one time). Almost every morning he wants to have one in each hand an bring up to daycare! He will play with them and make voices for them and also line them up on the table or floor, or in a play tractor trailer.

Dora the Explorer- This is a television cartoon about a girl who is always trying to help others and has to face different obstacles to do this.  In English she also speaks a lot of Spanish as a way for kids to learn Spanish.  But on Danish television she uses a lot of English words, so our boys are in their perfect element.  There are multiple times throughout the episodes where Dora asks the kids to say words, and Liam just yells along! He gets so excited if he sees the Dora icon on the TV and will jump up and down and yell “Dora, Dora”!  Benjamin is also really into it right now, so they have that bond together!

Liam also enjoys sitting at the kitchen table and drawing, especially with markers! He gets it all over himself, so good thing they are Ultra Washable Markers he is using.  He also loves stickers and to place them all over.  Another fun table activity is looking at flashcards, lining up figures or putting plastic pegs in a peg board…he loves that!

In general Liam is a very happy and content boy.  He has started being a little more demanding with having things how he wants them (I want that specific bib or spoon at mealtimes, or not wanting to wear a long sleeved shirt or hat outside, etc.) but he still goes with the flow and is for the most part good at listening.  He starts to resist, but if we are persistent he “gives in” quickly and goes along with what he has been asked to do. 

He continues to bring so much joy to all of our lives and also the lives of our family and friends! Liam loves to get attention from others by saying hi and pretending to play peek a boo or be shy.  He succeeds often and you can see he loves it!

Lastly I want to write about one of my favorite things Liam does right now.  He will come up to me and get really close to my face and in the sweetest, quietest voice he will say things like “Vil du med Mommy?”  (will you come with Mommy)…He cocks his head to the side and our noses are almost touching.  You probably have to be there, but it is so sweet!!

We love you Liam happy 2 years!

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