Friday, November 2, 2018


Halloween is getting bigger here in Denmark, but mostly justs with having gross and creepy decorations at the supermarkets and having themed days or parties.  But Trick or Treating, at least here in West Jutland, has not become a thing yet.  This was always a fun and cozy activity for me as a kid and I can tell I miss getting to do this with my kids.  They do get to dress up for "Fastelavn" in the spring, but the door to door thing is missing!

Because Halloween is getting more and more popular there, there have been quite a bit of cartoons showing Haloween episodes lately.  Our kids have seen some of them and kept asking if they could go "Trick or Treating".  So on Halloween I was home alone with the kids, and we made our own trick or treating at home.  I told the kids to go find some costumes in their dress up box and then I found candy and shut the door to a room in the house.  They each got a bag and had to knock on the door and say "trick or treat".  They were so into it and I went into each room of the house so they could try it a few times.  Afterwards we ate our candy and watched the Charlie Brown episode about "The Great Pumpkin"... They thought it was so fun adn a special treat on a normal wednesday night.  It may indeed be a new tradition here at our house!

Here are my 3 Trick or Treaters


Unknown said...

So happy to see them enjoying Halloween!

Love and miss you all so much!


Unknown said...

I'm really behind on reading your blog, but I love that Liam is a combination of Benjamin's and Silas' costumes. Plus, an added bonus with the Superman cape :)

Hope you're all doing well. Eileen is SO excited to see you in a few months!

~ Cousin Jenny

Mary and Søren said...

Thanks Jenny and Lisa! Miss you all!