Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Silas turns 11

11 years ago, God gave us the gift of becoming parents to our beautiful boy Silas.  We will forever remember that day, and thank God daily for the blessing Silas is to us and our family. He has an amazing playful heart and mind. He loves to come up with fun ideas for playing including different roles.  For example making a market where you can "sell" and "buy" things, making up his own form for currency, setting up multiple board games and making a new game out of it.  All the while he includes his little brothers in the process.  It is so amazing to see all 3 boys play together and have so much fun. This ability to still play is so fantastic.   Also this past year Silas has really grown up in so many ways.  Now a lot of his playing games include making spreadsheets on the computer, and learning new card tricks and how to do a rubix cube on YouTube.  He almost always finds something fun to do and we don't hear "I'm bored", or "what should I do" very often.  

Silas continues to come directly home after school, and often he has a friend from his class with.  It's been fun to get to know his friends as they spend time here.  Sometimes his friends stop by and ask him to go play soccer or something, and he loves that.  Silas is definitely a social butterfly, but also enjoys just hanging out at home.  He can say to his friends, "No, I'm just going to stay home and be with my family today."  

Silas has very big emotions and is either super happy og super bummed. This rollercoaster can be challenging to tackle for him and us as parents, but we seek help where we can get it, and Silas is really learning a lot of ways to tackle his feelings and is so good at coming and talking to us, etc.  We are so lucky to get to hear all the details of his day and what's going on in his head.

In his freetime Silas goes to different activities.

-Soccer 2 times a week + games.  He plays goalie and really loves to play soccer during recess at school too.

-Fdf - which is like boy scouts for both girls and boys

-Golf - 1 time a week at the local golf course.  He gets to practice at the driving range, putting green and par 3 course.

-Gospel-kids is still once a week, and he really loves to sing and hang out there.  This year there are 2 other boys in his age group as well.

-Practicing piano - Silas doesn't have official lessons, but he has a piano teaching APP that is really great and he can play for 1-2 hours some days!  He is looking forward to attending a Song and Music Camp at the beginning of the summer.

Silas also has a sense for business and maybe a bit of hoarding? :-)  On his class trip to Thyborøn, he used some of his pocket money to buy some candy cigarettes (yes they still make these!).  I asked him how many boxes he bought and he said SEVEN!  Seven boxes of candy cigarettes.  But then he told me that so many other kids wanted some too, but Silas had bought them all, so he started selling the ones he had bought to the other kids at a higher price :-) :-) HA HA.  I guess he understands supply and demand.

Silas had 2 birthday parties again this year.  Sunday with his family in Denmark.  There we had Grandpa's famous sub sandwiches for lunch, carrot cake for dessert, and played street hockey where everyone was included.  It was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot.   He got a FCM soccer jersey (the local soccer club), a FCM cap, and a board game (Stratego).

The next day, on his birthday, he woke up to singing and presents.  He got a baseball glove, clothes, drawing articles, and a mobile phone!  Finally! He was the last person in his class to get their own phone.  He was very excited and has already collected telephone numbers from his classmates and many family members.  Yesterday he texted me that he was done with school and on his way home.  I quickly wrote back "great, can you pick up Liam on the way?"...and he did.  So it does have its advantages. :-)

After school on his birthday, he had invited the boys from his class over for a little after school party.  They  spent time playing soccer at the playground, eating hotdogs, and cake, and just playing outside.  Silas had a great day and we ended the day at his favorite pizza restaurant CORNER as a family!

Like most years, Silas was very excited the few weeks before his birthday, and actually had a hard time falling asleep for over 2 weeks.  Every night he would have the countdown and explain that now there were only XX days left.  The night before his birthday he finally fell asleep around 11pm, and then woke up at 12.30am and was awake for 3 hours.  I ended up come in and laying next to him so he could finally fall asleep.  He was always been good at looking forward to things.

We look forward to what the next year of life brings for Silas.

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