Friday, June 24, 2022

Liam's last day of preschool

 Liam is done with preschool and Solsikken (Sunflower)

.  He finished the green group and is ready to start school.  Liam has always enjoyed preschool and has made some great friends!  He only went to preschool for 2 years, as he was home with me for his first preschool year.  To finish their time at preschool all the green group kids were invited to spend the night at the preschool, with the workers.  Liam was so excited and just walked right on in with his sleeping bag and stuffie.  He had a great night and he was so proud to have slept over somewhere else, other than home!  He's ready for school in August!!!  

Last day of preschool 2022

First day of preschool 2020

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