Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

Søren and I had a wonderful News Years Eve. We had two friends visiting, Thorkild who was a groomsmen in our wedding, and his girlfriend Janni. Søren and I had bought all the food, decorations and beverages the day before so we could just relax most of the morning and afternoon. Thorkild and Janni came around 3 pm and we just relaxed for awhile. Janni was not feeling very well so she stayed at our house while the three of us went over to the school to play some badminton. It was nice to get a bit of exercise before eating for the rest of the night!

After Thorkild beat us both, we showered up and started making the food. During the preparations we had to take a short break to watch the Queen give her annual New Years speech where she talked about what had happened in 2008 and wished us all well in 2009.

Finally it was time to eat. We had a three course meal. We started with shrimp salad and bread, round 2 was ham, twice-baked potatoes, brocolli and carrots, and finally for dessert we had ice cream in waffle bowls with chocolate sauce on top. It was all delicious and we weren't done eating until around 10pm.

After letting our food digest for a bit we were ready to try the Dance Praise game we borrowed from the school. It is a computer game where you watch the arrows on the screen and have to step on the matching arrows on the game mat. We had a lot of fun and exercise with that!

Søren and I competing in Dance Praise

Taking on Thorkild.

12 o'clock came fast and we got ready with champagne and stood on the couch. Then we jumped into the new year by jumping off the couch. We could hear and see fireworks all around us. It is a tradition in DK to light off a crazy amount of fireworks on New Years. And some of the fireworks are huge and very professional looking. From our driveway we could see fireworks in every direction it was beautiful. We had also bought some fireworks and had a fun time lighting them as well!

One of OUR fireworks!

After fireworks we came back inside, relaxed, talked and played a boardgame before finally going to bed around 3:30 or 4 am. It was a wonderful New Years Eve!

Today we have just relaxed and feel recouperated to start work again on Saturday! Hope you have all had a nice New Years!

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