Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Well it is almost 2009 and also almost the end of our Christmas vacation. We have had a wonderful vacation so far. Just relaxing, visiting friends and family, shopping and getting some pesky projects done around the house. Its been so nice to have such a long vacation together!

With the new year approaching, we find ourselves feeling very blessed as we look back at 2008 and the wonderful memories we have made with each other, friends and family. We are looking forward to starting a new year together and would like to wish all our faithful blog readers a very Happy New Year!

Thanks for your love and support. May 2009 bring many blessing to all those who mean so much to us!

Mary & Søren

P.S. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

weenie said...

Happy New Year from your Aunt Anne. I love reading about your life in DK. I was thinking of you and Soren on Christmas -- and chuckling about the Rolloff gift. I'm easily amused. What interesting traditions there are in Denmark. Love the idea of fireworks!