Tuesday, October 11, 2011


October 9th and 10th have brought new dimensions to the idea of eating for Silas.

First on October 9th Silas tried rice cereal for the first time.  We were told to try it at a time when he wasn't too hungry or crabby and not too full either.  So we decided to give him an evening snack. We were expecting just to watch him spit it out the whole time, but he actually swallowed a few spoonfulls! He was very interested in the process and already by the next night he ate a whole bunch.  You could see after his first or second spoonful that his tongue was working the right way and the cereal was going down.  Before we knew it the entire 1/4th portion I had made was gone and he was looking for more!

Then on October 10th we noticed Silas' first tooth! Just a little sliver of a white thing on the bottom gums, but it is definitely there because you can feel it too. We haven't noticed much extra fussiness, so hopefully teething won't be a painful experience for him.

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