Sunday, October 2, 2011

Silas 4 months

Time for another monthly update. This time Silas is 4 months old and as lively as ever. The biggest changes with Silas this month have been his hand-eye coordination and his sleeping habits.  He can now find things, and actually grab them. It is fun to watch as he pulls everything into his mouth. As earlier posted, Silas now sleeps in his big crib and at a much earlier hour.  Now he is in bed around 9:15pm and still falls asleep on his own, which makes it easy and fun to put him to bed.

A typical day for Silas at 4 months:
5 or 6 am: Wake up and groggily eat in bed with Mom. Afterwards fall back to sleep.
8 am: Wake up smiling and talking to myself. Ready for a new day.
9 am: Morning nap
10am: Morning snack with Mom.
11:30am: Time for another nap
2:00pm: Wake up hungry after a good nap.
3:30pm: Go for a walk in my carriage and fall asleep.
5:30pm: Time for more food!
7 pm: Evening nap of exactly 30 minutes
7-8 pm: Play time. A lot less crabby now in the evening, as long as I am talking with Mom or Dad.
8pm: Night snack #1.  Afterwards a little more playing and talking.
9 pm: Night snack #2.
9:15: Time for bed.  A song, short prayer and a goodnight kiss. Eventually fall asleep on my own with my pacifier.

Notable traits at 4 months.
1) Can hold things with 2 hands.

2) He hasn’t quite mastered actually rolling over yet, but he can roll onto his side, both from his back and his stomach.

3) Makes squealing sounds when he is excited or happy.

4) Smiles basically all day. The best is when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap and when you go in to him and say hi he gets the biggest smile across his face.

5) Likes to talk to himself, often he wakes up talking to himself.

6) Sleeps in his crib.

7) Falls asleep on his own at around 9:15pm.

8) Grab faces. If you get really close to him he smiles and grabs your cheek or chin with both hands.

9) Goes to music class. There is a rhythm class once a week for babies under 1 year. We dance and sings and learn rhythms, he likes the music but also all the other babies.

10) Holds eye contact with adults and other babies.

11) Can lay on his stomach for a long time…he actually really likes it. His newest favorite is sitting over my knee and pawing at his squishy ball.

12) Sticks out his tongue…(when he is thinking, concentrating, and especially while smiling)

13) Splashes around with arms and legs in his big bath tub.

14) Sat once in his highchair…with a lot of help from blankets and pillows.

15) Watches TV.

16) Weighs 16.5 lbs (7.5 kgs) and is 27.7 inches (68cm)

4 month pictures

See my tongue!

September (7)
September (9)
September (16)
September (19)
September (26)
September (29)
September (33)
Watching TV

1 comment:

Sarah D said...

oh my gosh, mary - the photo where he is "scowling" (5th down) looks exactly like you! I'm sure we could find some photos of you as a baby with the exact same look on your face! so funny!