Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New adventures

We have now been in the USA for 5 full days and are having a great time.  We haven't been too busy but Silas sure has experienced a lot of new things already.

First of all he went on his first airplane ride, and boy what a first trip it was.  For a rookie flyer of 4 months to take a 8.5 hour plane trip as the first is incredible and he also took it incredibly. The first flight from Billund to Amsterdam was only about an hour and he was happy the whole time.  He didn't seem to have any problems with his ears and he actually liked the bit of turbulence there was.  Then we had the long flight and again, he was amazing.  They gave us a basket that could hang on the wall and he took a few very short naps throughout the 8.5 hours and otherwise was happy and content. He cried for a total of 5 minutes the whole way, and after we landed many people gave him a compliment for behaving so well, and that they didn't even realize there was a baby on board!
Waiting in Billund
Sleeping in his basket on the plane

We made it to Grandma's house by 8 pm and had Silas sleeping by 8:45, and he slept until 4 am where he ate and was up for about half an hour before falling asleep again and waking at 7:30am. So I guess he didn't have jet lag. We on the other hand woke up at 6am and couldn't sleep anymore so we were just waiting for Silas to wake up!

Well since then Silas has been to his first shopping mall, met his first dogs and cats, met new family members, gone to his first Apple Orchard, met his first little American buddy Charlie, etc....

We have had incredible weather and have enjoyed visiting family and friends so far. We feel blessed to have this time together the three of us and to experience so many things together, and we look forward to more than 2 weeks more!

Meeting Grandpa

Meeting Uncle Johnny

Meeting the doggies

Meeting Charlie

At the Apple Orchard

Meeting Great Aunt Anne and 2nd cousin Emmy

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