Saturday, March 3, 2012

Silas 9 months

This has been another month of big changes for Silas.  He has gone from not really being able to move around much, to being able to pull himself forward using his elbows. Also he has never really been one to like rolling over, but now he is doing it as much as possible especially while getting his diaper changed! Silas' language has changed too this month.  He now has so many letter and vowel combinations I can't keep up, but his "cutest" sound he has now are his "ss" sounds.  To me it sounds like he is trying to say his name in a lispy and whispery kind of way...ssh-e-lasss. :-)

Silas is also going through somewhat of a period now where he has a bit of seperation anxiety, as the books would call it. He can play okay on his own until he notices we aren't in the room anymore, then he lets out a holler to let us know he can't see us.  It doesn't help if we talk to him from the next room, he wants to see us.  This has also been the case at bedtime as he cries when we leave the room after singing and praying with him.  It has been better the past few nights, so maybe he is getting used to it.

Finally Silas is such a big boy now that he has stopped nursing.  While we were in MN he just stopped wanting to nurse and actually cried when I offered him milk.  So after talking to our nurse we decided that it was his way of saying he was getting what he needed from solids and that  I should stop.  It was a bit tough on me, as it came so suddenly, but I am trying to focus on it being a good thing that my baby boy is naturally developing and growing up.

Outline of Silas’ day:
7:30 - Wake up and eat breakfast - he eats oatmeal with bananna
9:00 - Get to daycare and eat a snack
9:30 - ½ hour nap
11:30 - Lunch - he eats 2 pieces of rugbrød all smashed up and sometimes a quarter piece more
12:00-14:00 - Naptime
14:00-16:30 - Gets picked up and plays at home and has a snack of fruit and bread
16:30 - ½ hour nap
18:00 - Dinner - he usually eats mashed potatoes, meatballs and a veggie
19:15 - Gets ready for bed and sleeps

Traits at 9 months:
1) Crawl on his stomach---pulling himself forward with his elbows. Can reach for things he wants and stomach his way over. At daycare he tries to crawl over to me when I come to pick him up!

2) Eats only solid foods – Silas began refusing to nurse and was hysterical every time he was offered, so the nurse suggested he was ready to stop.

3) Says lots of new sounds and talks CONSTANTLY! Ss sounds – Almost sounds like he says Si-las with a lisp.

4) Stands up very stable at a table or his “walker”

5)Stands in yoga moves----downward dog!

6) Is in general more active. Rolling around on the changing table, making 360’s on the ground and rolling on to his stomach in his crib.

7) Having some separation anxiety.  Especially at bedtime. He doesn’t want us to leave and cries. However, not at all for naps in his carriage.

8) Better to play on his own with his toys.

9) Eating more and more meals by himself - it sure is a mess but he is mastering at least getting some pieces of food in his mouth.

10) More attentive and curious about everything. He can pick up the tinest piece of lint and study it so closely.

11) Has become quite vocal in what he wants, whining and grunting.

12) Now has 4 teeth – two more on top! and one more on the bottom that is almost there.

13) Weighs 10 kg and is 74 cm tall.

Standing "on my own"
Downward dog!

Can you see my new front teeth?

First video from Feb is crazy to see how much better he got in just 3 days!

Silas chatting like crazy!

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