Friday, March 30, 2012

Silas 10 months

So much has happened this past month.  Silas is on the move.  He went from being too lazy to roll over at the beginning of the month, to getting up on his knees, pulling himself forward with his elbows, crawling on all fours, pulling himself up on objects, sitting up from a laying position and just the other day he walked across the room with his walker.  It seemed like everyday he learned something new and it has been so exciting! In general Silas seems happier then ever, even though we didn't think that was possible! His crawling has gotten extremely fast and he cruises from one room to the other checking out everything he wants when he wants.  Silas also eats most of his meals on his own with his hands and is talking as much as ever.  He is such a joy to us and we thank our Lord everyday for the miracle he gave us in Silas.  

As for the outline of Silas' day, the only big change is that many days he only takes one nap in the afternoon for about 2 hours.  He had been having a harder time falling asleep for his morning and late afternoon naps so we've cut them out many days, and he has been just fine laughing and smiling as always.  He is getting to be such a big boy!

Traits at 10 months:
1) Crawl on all fours, cruising around the house!

2) Pull himself up to a standing position using everything from tables, boxes and walls.

3) Walk on his own using his activity walker

4) Tease Mom and Dad by hiding his face and then laughing or reaching out to touch our faces and then laughing. (I think maybe he is trying to tickle us)

5) Have laughing attacks. Usually at the dinner table when we are finished eating.  Søren makes the simplest sounds or movements and he will laugh hysterically.

6) Have a favorite book. Since he stopped nursing before bedtime we have begun to read him a book before laying him down. We let him choose a book from his shelf and he picks the same book every night.  It is a book with a flap that opens and then there is something you can touch inside.  We can tell he recognizes the pages because there is a page with a squeaker inside and he immediately hits that page as soon as we turn to it!

7) Recognize Mommy and Daddy. When we pick him up at daycare he squeals in delight the moment he sees us. It makes our hearts melt!

8) Loves to climb on both Mommy and Daddy.  He jumps up onto our stomachs and tries to climb over us, stand up on us and to lift up our shirts to find our belly buttons or belts.

9) Has 6 teeth...three on top, three on the bottom.

10) Started eating the same things that we eat for dinner. Pasta, chicken, rice, veggies, etc.
11)Weighs 10,2 kg  and is 75 cm tall.

My own piano bench

I love standing up!
Silas laughing after dinner (9½ months)

Silas walking with his walker for the VERY FIRST time.

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