Monday, March 26, 2012


Finally I can write this post! 2 weeks ago we went to Ulla and Peter's house to celebrate Peter's birthday.  We were as usual greeted by Lukas and Nikolaj and went inside to get settled in.  As we went around saying hi I noticed that Søren was giving his sister Ulla a little longer and bigger hug than normal.  I didn't really think much of it, but then Søren told me to look at Nikolaj's t-shirt.  When I did I burst out in said "Jeg skal være storebror" (I am going to be a big brother).  I was just so filled with happiness I was just standing there balling and hugging Ulla myself.  We are so happy for them and will look forward to getting another niece or nephew in September!
Silas enjoying sitting the otherway in his new car seat on the way to the birthday party

Happy to be with Farmor and family

Farfar with all his grandchildren

The rest of the day was just amazing on top of such good news.  We had some delicious food and good time with family.

So yes, I had to wait to write this post until Ulla and Peter made the announcement official, but now they have been to the first ultrasound and everything looked perfect so now I can blab about it!!! :-)

Otherwise we are settling back into work after our vacation. We started with a big week last week. We had information night for the new students, found out who our new principal couple is, and Søren had to work all weekend.  Silas and I went down to school on Saturday and had so much fun we stayed the whole day. The students were so sweet with Silas. Then on Sunday Silas and I went to Silkeborg to visit some Watermarkers. It was great to see them again and speak English all day.  There are now 4 kids in the bunch so we had a lot of fun enjoying the beautiful weather outside and playing at the playground.

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