A little messy is not only a good way to explain how this blog entry is going to be, but also how things have been going lately.
Søren and I are a part of the 10th grade team this year, and it has been an exciting journey so far. The scheduling, with this alternative type of schooling, is quite different then what we are used to. Some weeks we may not have any morning classes and first come to work at 12:30. Other weeks we have many morning classes from 8-12 and then our other music classes after that. There aren’t any weeks that look the same. This makes is very nice the weeks we don’t have much in 10th grade, but the weeks where we have a lot can be quite messy. I just had such a week where I had lots of 10th grade classes, morning devotion every morning, a big Open House event that I was on the planning comitte for, and then a 30+ hour weekend shift. On top of that we had evening engagements, so lets just say my life was a mess. Especially my room where my clothes have been piling up, and still need to get taken care of. The good thing is that I had so much to do, that I couldn’t possibly get it done, so I was much better at prioritizing and being okay with things that weren’t perfect. That can sometimes be a struggle for me, so now that I’m on the other side I can see what some positive things.
This week has been a lot lighter, and now Søren is in Århus on the 10th grade class trip from Wednesday to Friday. I had an absolutely fabulous day with Silas on Wednesday, where we had some much needed time together, and later in the afternoon we visited our friends Jette and her 3 girls, as her husband is on the trip with Søren. It was nice to have other thoughts and girl talk.
Otherwise we have been doing various things. I have been busy with the Show Choir I’m in. Dancing and singing in the weekends, before our next big show in January. It’s very fun to get to be on stage again, and to improve my dancing skills even more.
Søren is still playing soccer on Mondays, and is really enjoying being a part of the 10th grade team. He applied for an EU paid trip for 24 students to visit the EU office in Strasbourg, France…and he was approved. So he is already excited for the trip in April, and into the planning already.
So yeah, that’s the messy, telling of our lives in a nutshell.
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