Thursday, October 4, 2012

Silas 16 months


Our little boy is so full of energy and life. He has really begun to understand and know what he wants, and this becomes obvious in his laughs, and defintely also in his screams and tantrums. Silas is quite social, and is not afraid to go over and talk to new people. We started going to gynasitcs, and he goes over to the other children and adults just chatting away. He loves to climb on any and everything, and most definitely the places that are quite unsteady. His favorite places are 1) The drawers with DVDs under the TV. 2) His table and chair set in his room. *We have now put rope around the DVD drawers and there are a lot less conflicts!


As for language: Although he can’t always use the words for what he wants, he can give signals for his wishes and we often understand what he is “asking” for. One of his favorite gestures is to shaking his head no. When someone he doens’t know talk to him, he shakes his head. If we ask if he wants more food, he shakes his head. And many times we ask him a question, he just shakes his head, and 2 seconds later begs for the thing we asked him about! He has also begun to actually say words and not just repeat them after us. The most common are:

“Car”, “Socks”, “Sove” (sleep in Danish), “Sut” (pacifier), “More”-when he wants more food,  “Banana” and “Book” as well as the Danish equivilants “Banan” and “Bog.” He can point to these things and say the name, or coming running with a pair of socks yelling “socks” with an a high tone at the end of the word.

He also says “boo” as he comes out from his hiding space behind the speakers in the living room. Silas has also begun saying “Far” (the Danish word for Dad) and if I mention the word Far, while Søren isn’t home, he will go wandering about the house looking for Søren saying “Faar, faar.”

Some of his favorite toys include

-The same old plastic stacking cups. He now can tack them up and put them together, after a few tries and switches.

-The swing in the living room

-A CD player in his room. He can turn it on himself, and begins dancing when he hears the music. Swinging his arms back and forth and moving his feet really fast. It is so adorable. He will even dance on command if you ask him to.


-The sandbox and outdoor tractor.



Silas now has 16 teeth and eats pretty much every type of food. He is not so happy for rice lately, but is enjoying some vegetables again now that he can chew carrots and cucumbers. He has discovered ketchup and LOVES it. He eats with his fork sometimes, but mostly with his stands still. However, the last few days he has insisted on feeding himself in the morning. I have taught him the words scoop, so he says “scoop” and tries to get some oatmeal on the spoon. He has been quite succesful these days, but it sure is a mess as he still wants to use his hands.


Finally, Silas makes a lot noises. He says car noises when he is driving a car around the floor, but also when he sees a car. He also says dog noises when he sees or hears a dog in real life or in a book. It is so cute listening to his noises, words, and the complexity of his own little language he speaks non-stop. My personal favorite is that after he makes or hears a fart, he says—”bloop”—imitating the sound.

Again we feel so blessed to be parents and to be able to watch Silas develop and grow. It is so enriching and brings us a lot of joy and laughter everyday.




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