Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Silas 17 months


The biggest changes with Silas this past month have definitely been his language. It seems everyday he learns a new word. He continues to copy everything we say, and now copies even more complex words with two syllables pronouncing more and more consonants.

Some of my favorite memories/routines of the past month are:

-After getting Silas ready for bed he usually has about 10-15 minutes of playtime before actually going to bed. When it is bed time, we say, “okay Silas, it’s time for night-night” He then walks towards his room saying “nigh-nigh” and goes right to the bookshelf “good book” he says and then goes to the chair where we read him a goodnight book everynight. It is so cozy and fun to see how much he understands.

-If Silas needs help with something, getting a cap off, getting something off his shelf, or taking something out of a drawer, then he will say in a very loud voice “helpe” in this particular tone.

-Hide and seek. We run away from him and find a hiding spot. Then one of us asks him, “Where’s Mommy/Far?”…he then looks around the house saying in a question like voice “Mommm-ie, Mommm-ie?” until he find us. Sometimes we say “coo-coo” to give him a hint, and then he says it too. When we finds us he smiles and often runs away, hoping we’ll hide again.

-During a table prayer Silas will just start saying “AMEN.” Sometimes he says it many times, and other times he waits until we are finshed where the Amen really comes. In church he also yells AMEN whenever he hears it, turning the heads of many and bringing a smile to their faces.

-Brings items over to us. When he hands it to us he says “Tak” (Thank You)

-Sings along to Old McDonald on the ee-eye-ee-eye-oh part!

-Understands many things for example:
“Bath time Silas”—He goes into the bathroom.
“Arms up” –Puts his arms up when changing him
“Where’s the ____” and can often find it.
-Makes some interesting connections. 1) The other day I said “Silas, I love you”. He then went rummaging through his toy box and found the small heart shaped pillow that says “I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU” when you give it a hit. 2) He has a red balloon, I said “Silas, look at your balloon”….he then went and found the “Goodnight Moon” book where there is a red balloon and turned the pages to find it.

-Can “read” a book. Okay its a picture book, but on one page there is a picture of a car and shoes and when he gets to that page he says “Car, shoes”.

-When we sneeze Silas says “Achoo” afterwards.

-After making a poop, he looks at us and says "Poo-poo"

-If we do something he thinks is fun, such as swinging him in the air or blowing on his stomach, he says in a high pitch tone “gain!” until we do it again.

-Dances to almost any type of music, whether it’s from his cd player or a musical toy. He moves his feet really fast or sways from side to side.

-Makes train noises----grra-grra-graa-oooh-ooh

Silas is just so much fun. He continues to be a good eater, even eating many different types of vegetables again. He eats his oatmeal all by himself most mornings and drinks from his own cup, as long as there isn’t a lot in it! He laughs a lot and definitely makes us laugh. He is happy in the morning even if we have to wake him up. His grumpy time is when we are making dinner and he is hungry or wants attention, but the hour after dinner is usually filled with fun and games, and family time.

Finally, here is a list of the new words he says on his own:
‘Gain’, Milk, Far, Mommy, Up, Down, Tak, Tank-uu (thank you), Siya (Silas), Amen, Thirsty, Helpe, Phone.



Riding the tricycle at legoland



I like this, I'll lick it all off!
A funny video --uh-oh, helpe..etc

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