Monday, December 10, 2012


I forgot a few things in the last post, and then of course Silas does funny things daily.

One of Silas' favorite words is ketchup, and he loves to dip any and all food in ketchup. The other day during breakfast Silas kept saying, ketchup, ketchup...and pointing at something on the table. We thought that sounded weird and didn't do much about it, as we didn't think he should have ketchup on his oatmeal. Then the next day I was eating breakfast alone with Silas, and he pointed over near the refridgerator and kept saying ketchup, ketchup...To shorten the story, after awhile I figured out that he was pointing at the sugar. Søren had some sugar on the table for his cereal the day before and it was the sugar that Silas was calling ketchup. So anything that goes on top of anything, or used for dipping is now called ketchup.

Silas had known the word baby for awhile, and points at little boys/girls and says baby. He also points to pictures of himself or in the mirror and says "baby."  Recently he learned to say boy, and then just today we looked in the mirror and said "boy, mmwah" and gave himself a big kiss. I guess he can see he is growing up too!

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