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Here are the English words that he can say on his own: keys, hot, flowers, finger, kight (light), fork, spoon, chair, glasses, cup, “oh boy”, teeth, tractor, jacket, ketchup, blocks, touchdown, stuck.
Here come the Danish with translation: varm(warm) trommer(drums), geek (when he is trying to say MUSIK or music), stole (chair), støvsuger (vaccuum), traktor, bil (car), arbejde (work), tegne (draw), finger (finger) gynge-gange (swinge, swinge)
He also started saying a lot of names: Samuel (Sam,mu,mu,el..a boy at daycare), Margit (his daycare provider), Farfar, Grandma, Grandpa…and many others. A random name he knows is Daniel, it’s from one of the biblestories he has, he points to him and says Daniel!
He also started saying “kommer” (which means come) and then he pulls on your clothes until you come. Just recently he started saying “kommer, okay” like he is answering for us!
Silas has also learned the word NO! And says it even if he means YES, it sounds like Nooa, where his tone goes up at the end.
He has learned more animal noises now including: cow, train, horse, sheep, monkey, lion and Old McDonald, where he then says: “ee-i-ee-i-oh when asked. (He also does them all in Danish, but for some reason not sheep yet)
At the beginning of the month Silas was counting to 10. Mostly sounding like ONE, TWO, FIVE, eight, nine, ten…But now he mostly just says ten when I start counting.
He still says up and down, but often gets them mixed up. When he wants to get up to the piano he says, DOWN, and vice versa.
A fun game for Silas is finding your nose. He then says “doot, doot” and pokes it. It’s funny because if he does it to me, then he has to immediately do it to Søren…he goes around the house saying “FAR, doot doot” until he finds Søren. We started teaching him the other facial parts and he can now find mouth and sometimes eyes, but usually when we ask him to find a body part, he goes for the nose and says “doot, doot!”
Silas continues to love climbing and climbs up on any chair. When he gets up onto it, in the standing position, he says “SID” (meaning sit) as he knows he is supposed to sit down on his butt.
He has a shape sorting toy that he is beginning to master. He looks for the right holes before even trying to put the plastic pieces in.
At night time we always sing a song for Silas. He has begun singing along to the song I wrote for him singing “sleep, baby…sleep baby”. It is so precious.
Finally, Silas has now taken an interest in drawing. He says “tegne” and points at the crayon box. We started taping paper to the table and let him draw away. He usually uses his right hand.
To end, here are some funny things our daycare provicer has shared with us.
1) The other day they were practicing saying “Hej, med dig” (Hello to you). After Silas’ nap he went over to Margit and said “Margit, hej med dig” and gave her a big hug.
2) Just before going down for a nap Margit said to Silas “Det er sovetid (It’s sleep time)…then Silas responden “Suttetid” (Pacifier time) and started laughing. Margit said you could just tell that he was trying to be funny.
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Sid!! |
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Yummy, French hotdog |
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Drawing at the kitchen table |
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