Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving, thanksgiving

Again this year we celebrated Thanksgiving twice. The first one was on Thanksgiving day, at our house. The tradition that began 4 years ago with just Jette, Carl and their daughter Ida. Has now turned into a party of 9 adults and 7 kids! I was able to prepare a lot of food Wednesday morning before work, and then we did the final touches Thursday. Thursday turned out to be a bit of a chaotic day, as Søren’s Grandmother passed away the previous Sunday and the funeral was on Thursday. Luckily, we were able to attend the service and coffee afterwards, before coming home to a house full of guests. We had a very crazy dinner (with 7 kids under 5) and then after the kids were put to bed we had pumpkin pie, had a round where we shared our thanks, and watched some football. Every year I look forward to celebrating a tradition that  I hold dear, and I have to say myself that the food tastes better and better! Thanks Auntie Anne for your recipies and advice! I couldn’t do it without you!







5 of the 7 kids playing in Silas' room after dinner!
The following Sunday we celebrated Thanksgiving in Viborg with our American friends from Watermark and their families. Søren had to work, so it was just Silas and I, but we had a very nice day. Silas was very occupied with Josh and Bodil’s little girl Hannah, who is just 2½ months younger than him. He just followed her around all day saying “Hannah, Hannah”. Even days later he was still saying her name. It was pretty adorable.
Hannah and Silas
I'll follow you onto the chair even Hannah!
This year we are very thankful for our health, having jobs we love, and living in a country with so many benefits so that we can prioritize our little family. What are you thankful for??

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