Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Telling stories

Silas has really begun to speak in multiple word sentences and to put thoughts together. Today I asked Silas what he did at daycare today and he said.."Jumping up and down Titas". I then repeated it in a question.. "Did you hop on the trampoline with Mathias?"... He looked at me and smiled saying "Yeah!!"

Later I wrote to Margit to ask if that had happened, and to my surprise she said yes. It was fun to experience that Silas could actually tell something about his day.

Now lets just see if it lasts through his school years!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Park

Warning to Grandparents: the content you are about to see is a little disturbing
Advarsel til Bedsteforældre: det I skal til at se er lidt foruroligende

Yes, this was all Silas' idea.  I went down the slide with him twice and the third time when I said I didn't really want to go down anymore, he went up the hill himself. I looked at Søren and said, "he is going to go down on his own"...then all of a sudden he jumped in and came cruising down....you can see by our reaction that we were both very suprised and a little frightened.

We felt a little irresponsible, but Silas was just having a great time.  We enjoyed watching him fight to get up the hill in the loose dirt. He just wouldn't give up. He also enjoyed the new swing and bouncy thing.  When it was time to go home we were all covered with dirt....but Silas was covered from head to toe.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


During a short holiday last weekend, we spent a day at Legoland with Søren's family. Ulla, Peter, Lukas, Nikolaj, Celina and Inger.  We had gorgeous weather and a great day.  Right when we inside the gates Lukas and Nikolaj took Silas by the hand and showed him around. They showed him some of the lego statues and also the rides. You could just see how much Silas enjoyed that the boys were taking him by the hand. I also think the big cousins thought it was fun to have Silas with! 

We spent the entire day there from 10am - 6pm.  Silas tried out so many rides..Airplanes, trains, cars, firetruck..etc. The adults also took turns watching the kids and trying out some rides.  We had a fantastic lunch and snack and Lukas tried teaching Silas how to ride a tricycle. There was a great playground and Silas loved exploring all the different slides!  Around 6pm we headed into town and ended the day at a pizza place feeling our warm cheeks from a beautiful day outside. 

Put your feet on the pedals

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Yes, Silas officially has double citizenship now!  Three weeks ago we visited the American Embassy while it was having a visiting day closer to our area.  Both Søren and I needed to be there in order to apply for Silas' passport, so we made a day out of it.  We headed to Århus in the morning and found a Subway sandwich shop nearby...(there are very few in Denmark, so we were pretty excited.  The weather wasn't very nice so we decided to go to the mall while Silas had to nap.  He lay down to sleep almost immediatly in his stroller, but 10 minutes later his head popped up and well lets just say he didn't sleep after that.

Finally it was time for our appointment and after Silas charmed the front desk assistant we were shown to the room. It was just at a hotel, so it was really nothing fancy.  But there was a dog and Silas was happy! It only took 10 minutes and we found out a lot of information. For example we found out that Silas does NOT have to choose between being and American or a Dane when he turns 18, he can always be both!  On the other hand I found out that I should have been filing taxes in the US for the past 7 years, so I have a lot of work to catch up on...not such great news.

On the way home Silas fell asleep in the car. When we got home the crockpot meal was ready and we celebrated with flags!

We could not actually submit the forms at the "Embassy"...so we had to mail the forms. Luckily there was a postoffice right there and we sent it off that day.  Then this week his passport and certificate of birth abroad arrived and made it official! Silas is now also an American.


Just for looks...I didn't want to actually post a picture of Silas' passport...but it looks just like this!!

Oh yeah, just for fun...here are some of the redos when we were trying to take a passport photo for Silas.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

First official haircut

Silas visited the hair salon for the first time.  On the way there Silas and I talked about how he was going to get his haircut, and he kept touching his hair.  When we got there, the hair dresser asked him "Are you going to get your haircut" and Silas answered.."Yeah"  He didn't really want to sit in his own chair, so he got to sit on my lap.  There was a small tv with a cartoon on, but he would rather watch himself in the mirror. He looked so proud as he watched his hair being cut.  The hair dresser kept telling him "wow, you are so good" and we would answer .."Ja".. It was just so much fun actually. He didn't really like the electric trimmer, but in the end she was able to use it to trim the edges.  He also got a little gel in his hair and it looked so cute. When we got home and later at daycare, he kept touching his hair and saying "hair"...as if he was saying.."look at me!"...

Yard Work

Finally we have gotten a glimpse of spring. And with that gives the pleasure of working outside to make the yard sparkle once again. Søren was out again this year, using a maching to get rid of the moss and old grass...and although it wasn't as big of a project as last year....we were glad to have Silas helping this year.  We enjoyed a day in the yard, getting rid of weeds, grass and old leaves, etc.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day in Søndervig

We had a wonderful day visiting Søren's Dad and Hanne.  We came before lunch, and had a nice relaxing time while Silas is napping. After Silas woke up, we had some coffee and Silas got a mini chocolate Easter egg that he was SO thrilled about. It was in a Mickey Mouse egg holder, and he was more excited for the holder than the chocolate.  Then we decided to go for a walk. The first thing Silas saw was an electric car and then it was only using force that we got on with our walk.  We made it down to the ocean and checked out some old bunkers and the water.  On the way back we found a really fun playground with bikes and slides, we also stopped at the indoor playground and had a last bit of fun. For dinner we had some delicious BBQ ribs and fries...with ice cream for dessert it was a great end to a wonderful day.